Victory represents justice?

Jasmin 2022-09-16 05:28:34

I downloaded it this afternoon, and I've finished reading it now. Tell me how I feel.
It was like someone poured a basin of cold water on me, chilling. 1 girl died, 2 suspects sentenced to life in prison.
So who is the murderer? A bunch of question marks and exclamation marks in my head. Tell me about my understanding of the case, please correct me if I am wrong.
Let's list the main points that point to homicide:
1. Where is the murder weapon?
The murder weapons in the case were proposed by the prosecutor: knives, chains, 2.2 caliber shotguns, which did not appear in more than 900 pieces of evidence listed in court.
After 3 months of blocking the scene in March 2005, the shell casings were found in the garage! What about the warhead? 11 shots were fired, is there a bullet in the head? After the corpse was burned, there was a warhead in the place where the corpse was burned and in the ashes, but there was no shrapnel! Where did that shotgun go? STEVEN tossed? Can't explain.

2. Where is the crime scene?
At the beginning, the prosecution determined that the crime scene was first imprisoned, raped, tied, slit throat, and shot in the house where ST lived. Finally, it was burned behind the garage (there was no trace in the house, obviously it was not the site of the crime.)
After finding the bullet casings, the prosecution believed that the murder site was in the garage, the blood was cleaned, and there was no blood or DNA on the ground.
Where is the only place to find ST and the girl's blood? It's in the car! The cab has ST blood but no fingerprints, the trunk has the girl's blood, and the blood and hair are mixed on the trunk interior. This shows that the car is likely to contain the girl's body or transport it. There is a lot of doubt here. ST can't keep such obvious evidence in the parking lot. The car was later put in the parking lot, otherwise if ST kills the girl and burns her body. It is impossible not to destroy the car. The girl disappeared and went to the police to block the parking lot for 5 days. She still has the car keys. Why is there only ST’s DNA and not even the owner’s girl’s DNA? Someone destroyed the physical evidence and framed it. The police who framed the crime knew who the murderer was and the truth of the matter, but they chose to hide the truth and framed ST. Because ST's existence is to challenge the face of the police in the entire county, everyone wants ST to be the murderer and die. Even if they let the real murderer go, they are willing.

3. Where is the cremation site?
Prosecutors insisted the cremation took place in the back of the garage, but parts of the charred skull were later found 16 miles away. This is obvious, right? The corpse has been transported, so the place where the corpse is burned must not be a car yard. After burning it, move it to a distance? The cremation site was elsewhere, and the corpses were moved to the scene after being sorted out. The defense also asked the prosecution, and the prosecutor said that when the forensic doctor went there, the corpses had been sorted, neatly placed in a wooden box, and even the soil was stuffed clean. It's really amazing.

4. The trial results of ST and nephew are also really incredible.
ST's trial results: 1. Rape and murder is established, 2. Corpse burning is not established, 3. Illegal gun possession is established.
Nephew's trial results: 1. Established for coordinated killing, 2. Established for cremation, 3. Established for rape.
Burn the corpse or not? ? ? ?

5. Who is the murderer?
I think the most likely is ST's brother-in-law! He only shows his face once for a few seconds throughout the film. The reasons are as follows:
ST's brother-in-law, the 14-year-old daughter and the 16-year-old son, can only perjury perjury on behalf of the father. Later, the 14-year-old girl cried when she appeared in court again. She was afraid. She didn't expect to involve her brother, because the discussion was about framing uncle ST. The nephew later denounced his confession, and he also understood that he would also be imprisoned for the rest of his life. He didn't want to go to jail. At the beginning, everyone discussed to protect his father from framing his uncle, but he didn't expect that he would get caught up in it. The child made up the story at first, but then he couldn't make it up anymore, and the whole story was messed up.
The process may be like this: the whole county is rumored that their ST family is incest, what a mess, I think it may not be groundless, plus ST has been in prison for 18 years. Everyone hates them even more.
Did you find it? The uncle's IQ is not high, the nephew's IQ is not high, ST's sister's IQ is not very good, and it seems that there is a tendency to be violent towards children.
In the days of the incident, ST was on the phone with his fiancée who was drunk and driving in prison, and he called at 5 o'clock that night. At 5 o'clock ST sister went out to visit friends and came back very late. And in the whole case, no one mentioned ST's brother-in-law, nephew, niece, or sister. It is estimated that he is also a person with a low IQ, otherwise the car will not be discovered.
The brother-in-law should have raped the female photographer (not to mention what happened), put it in the victim's car, and threw the car into the wild with his son (that is, ST's nephew).
A few days later, when everyone looked for the girl's whereabouts. That cop (the one who called the DOT vehicle file) found the car with the girl's body on it. At this time, after discussing with the police inspector, ST's blood sample that was returned to the Evidence Section was scattered in the car, and the girl's body was burned, packed, transported back to ST's car yard, and put away quietly. A few fragments of the skull were accidentally dropped halfway through.
Call the woman who is the family member of the female photographer and ask her to find a car. The woman volunteered to find the female photographer's ex-boyfriend and family, and said she went to ST's parking lot to have a look. Coincidentally, it took 10 minutes to find the car. Next, there is insufficient evidence, and where do the police start. Because this is no longer a personal act, it represents the face of the judicial system, the development of crony career, and the death of a person who has spent 18 years in prison, no one will feel wrong, victory represents justice, right?
Ok! At the end of the film, the judicial system has won, is ST wronged? The person he didn't know from beginning to end was sentenced to life. Is ST's nephew wronged? Don't complain! Because he made false evidence, it is very likely that he is an accomplice. He is getting fatter in prison, why? Self-defeating, admit it. As for ST, he did not give up, and he is still fighting for an appeal. But I think coming out during his parents' lifetime is more difficult than ascending to the sky!

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