how to deal with mistakes

Missouri 2022-03-25 09:01:10

Europeans are really afraid of the Black Death... So there is a question: Chinese people like to recall the glory of the past, but basically do not face the pain of the past? Europeans, however, have repeatedly uncovered painful memory scars. Judging from the preference of memory, people will seal the past pain in the depths of the memory and do not want to mention it. The older one thinks of the past, the memories are all good, and the pain has gradually faded away, so we don’t want the pain of the past to be caused by human nature. The Black Death is a black memory in Europe, and it will be over when such a memory has passed. Why should it be mentioned again and again? China has it too. From an investment perspective, people are bound to make mistakes, how to avoid them? A good way to invest is to remember it and avoid making the same mistake next time that the average person makes the same mistake over and over again. So making a mistake gives good investors an opportunity to learn, but ordinary people try to forget it, and make it again the next time it appears, and it goes back and forth and can't get out. If you want to not make the same mistake next time, treat it rationally, face it squarely, and accept it. Although the scar is painful, it will heal itself, and the self-healing scar is a new life.

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The Last Witch Hunter quotes

  • Kaulder: Do you know what I'm afraid of? Nothing.

  • Kaulder: [flying in turbulence] These are ancient runes. They can manipulate weather. Rain, wind, cold, heat... And you just jammed them together in your bag? You know what you get when you mix a thunderstorm with cool, moist air at 40,000 feet? It's simple science.