Bradford 2022-03-24 09:01:55

The film recommended by Mr. Lin Zhi. Racial discrimination aside, it is still a rare masterpiece. Glad I didn't miss him.
The protagonist Carl is a black man, his father is a farmer, the son wants to help, but is stopped by his father, the father said: No, Carl, you should go to school, I don't want you to live the same life as me in the future. When he grew up, Carl told his father before joining the army that I would come back to help harvest after the holiday, but his father said, no, never come back, you have to work hard after entering, if it is difficult, and I know it will be, then you must Remember, don't give up, never give up! Carl never came home after that, not even seeing his father when he died. Hope his son is better than himself, this father's love is so simple, so pure, yet so heavy and so cruel. Carl was fortunate to have a good father whose teachings have provided him with incredible strength throughout his life.
Another lucky thing for Carl was that he met a good boss, SUNDAY. SUNDAY used to be a hero with a fiery temper. He regarded the rules as a wasteland. He couldn't hold a grain of sand in his eyes. He often drank and fought. He targeted Carl everywhere, never calling him by name, always calling him "The Chef" (because Carl's first job was a cook). It was not until Karl proved himself with his actions that SUNDAY recognized Karl. In fact, his heart is so jealous: this black kid in front of him has amazing willpower, has an unlimited future, and has the ability to complete my favorite career. And I, too old, can no longer dive, and can only live in obscurity. So he started drinking, behaving wildly, and swearing. In fact, this is just a way for him to brush his presence.
Until Karl lost a leg, the god of fate tied the two together again. You can see that the fate of these two people is so similar: the same former heroes, the same hastily ended their careers, and the same will be attributed to obscurity.
do not give up! His father's words encouraged Carl, who had been crippled, again, and the glory trended him to keep moving forward, and also ignited the fighting spirit of Billy, who had already burned out his passion. Through the unimaginable efforts of mortals, Carl finally fulfilled his wish and left his name in the military history of the United States. And what about Billy? Fame and fortune are not important to him. What is important is that he has completed self-redemption, regained the meaning of existence, and recovered his lost wife.

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Men of Honor quotes

  • Carl Brashear: Forgive me sir, but to me, the Navy isn't a business. It's an organization of people who represent the finest aspects of our nation. We have many traditions. In my career, I have encountered most of them. Some are good, some not so good. I would, however not be here today were it not for our greatest tradition of all.

    Captain Hanks: And what would that be, Chief Brashear?"

    Carl Brashear: " Honor, sir"

  • Billy Sunday: You know what the Chinese say, cookie? Beware what you wish for.