
Delphine 2022-09-18 00:56:33

I said at the beginning, how can this guy look so beautiful! Turns out it was a girl! Gender orientation is an interesting psychological topic, and I have always been interested in it. Unfortunately, the film does not explain anything on this point, which is a little pity. However, what the film may want to emphasize is to look at such a small group of special groups with a pure and good-natured perspective. At least they have not done anything harmful to society. Why not be tolerant and play together like we were children.

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Tomboy quotes

  • Rayan: [subtitled version]

    [to Laure]

    Rayan: We hear you're a girl. We're gonna check that.

    Lisa: Stop it! What do you think you're doing?

    Rayan: We're gonna check if she's really a girl.

    Lisa: Leave him alone.

    Rayan: You're right. It's YOU who'll check.

    Lisa: No, I won't.

    Rayan: If she's a girl, then you kissed her. It's disgusting. Right?

    Lisa: Yes, it's disgusting.

    Rayan: Then, you're gonna do it.

    [Lisa pulls down Laure's pants]

  • [last lines]

    Lisa: What's your name?

    Laure: My name is Laure.