It's better to forget the rivers and lakes

Barton 2022-03-24 09:01:41

We used to fall in love because of the passion we met. Because of
love, we are happy together.
Laughing together, playing together, and even slowly starting to share every little thing in life.
Gradually there is no distance
, but life is never just
about people who love us all.
Not being selfless enough to pay blindly and
constantly arguing will always make love fade away, let grievances slowly wipe out love
The final outcome is actually the end of more men and women who break up. Even if I
understand now, the hurt can’t go back.
I love you, but you are happy, I am happy, even if we are not together, how can we help
each other, it is better to look at each other in the rivers and lakes

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Extended Reading

The Break-Up quotes

  • Marilyn Dean: Travis, get your gorgeous tuchus out of here.

  • Gary: "Band of Brothers"... you should rent it sometime

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