Let the two male protagonists be together, I beg you...

Naomi 2022-03-24 09:02:06

This is really the worst movie I've seen recently...
What kind of stupid plot setting: The male protagonist who is so handsome and fit is himself a spy sent by aliens. After I arrived at the pork chop heroine, I fell in love with her madly, and for her to give up her alien identity, I blew up the entire base of my compatriots...
After I said it, I couldn't believe that there was such a fool The script...
the first half was full of WHYWHYWHY...but after the half, I didn't want to pursue the WHY...
everything is love, not a single scene in the whole scene makes sense, If you say he is an alien, he is an alien...
Well, everyone has made your entire earth without water, power, and plague. Why are you fighting with your baby soldiers in the field...
And this heroine is too ugly Come on, let the two male protagonists be together, I beg you...
How can a lonely screenwriter be able to write this kind of drama of pulling the little fresh meat and the big meat handsome all over the place and pretending to be awesome to snipe aliens... …

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The 5th Wave quotes

  • Evan Walker: This isn't the first time The Others have been here.

  • Ben Parish: What did we do to deserve...

    Colonel Vosch: Nothing. Other than occupy a space we need. We're not that different, Ben. Your kind would do exactly the same thing.

    Ben Parish: No. Our kind wouldn't have wiped out an entire species.

    Colonel Vosch: Of course you would. You've been doing it for centuries.