Don't always go to the movies with the mentality of evaluating movies

Trystan 2022-03-25 09:01:10

How many of my current friends have not seen a few movies.

I usually watch movies like this: watching domestic films with contempt or pure relaxation and entertainment, and occasionally seeing a movie with "sincerity", it is already joyful and moving. When watching foreign films, the situation is a little better. There are still some word-of-mouth films there, which are enough for us to watch. Even if the rest of the films are bad, at least the scenes can be "cool". At least the technology is there.

And the result?

The result is that every time I watch a movie, I will make an evaluation of the movie, and this evaluation process starts from the very beginning of the movie. If the movie is really good from the beginning, then I have to say, of course, I watched it heartily in one breath and admired it all the way. However, if the movie is a bit watery, then I have finished watching the movie under extremely tormented conditions, and I feel that I have to watch the ending.

I found out later that I had missed a lot.

Not every movie is perfect, like some of Nolan's classic movies or some really high-scoring movies. So they have no value in existence? Just for everyone's entertainment?

Maybe not.

Now that you've decided to watch this movie, whether you're doing it for fun or really want to see what's so great about classic movies. In fact, you can patiently discover the delicate parts of this film. After all, every movie has something to offer.

After changing my mind, I watched two new films, "Chef In Love" and "The Intern". In fact, the reason is that these two films are in front of the movie paradise, so they are easy to download, and there is no other. I patiently feel the thoughts and attitudes of the intern and the chef. I try to put myself in their shoes and feel them every time. I feel some feelings in the protagonist's heart. Although it may be only a little bit, I have long since stopped thinking about it. Watching the movie with contempt. Slowly, I found that I could experience life that I might never have experienced in those short two or three hours.

Perhaps this is the value of the existence of films of all levels.

It's not good to have a harsh heart, perhaps.

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Burnt quotes

  • Adam Jones: If it's not perfect, you throw it away... regardless of time.

  • Reece: You're better than me. But the rest of us need you to lead us to places we wouldn't otherwise go.