Rock n'roll

Elouise 2022-03-24 09:02:26

I've been looking for rock music for a while and don't know why. There should be two periods, one is after reading an article in high school, and yearning for the decadent but tense life mentioned in the article; the other is when I was in the first semester of college, it seemed that I was very annoying at that time. I feel like my life is depressing and I need an outlet, so I want to find some loud music to listen to (sorry for calling rock and roll loud music). In fact, I don't know which band I like when I listen to it. I don't know much about rock music, or music. I heard that my favorite should be Japanese rock.
In fact, I think that Japanese rock is a lot of visual style, and the shape, clothing, and form are very exaggerated and gorgeous. It is strange that I like it. I mean someone like me with a dull exterior would like that kind of flamboyance, but, who cares? I think there was a period of rock that was a lot like Japanese rock, David Bowie's early glam rock, glam rock, this I learned about it after watching the Velvet Gold Mine. I don’t know if it’s driven by human curiosity about unfamiliar things, but I have a strange feeling of liking this kind of rock, maybe because I don’t have it, so I want this kind of thing. Well, I have also listened to some European and American rock and roll, and I feel that it is not so hysterical. I feel that rock and roll is all about shouting incisively and vividly, and it is so superficial.
In the film, the original intention of the runaways was to speak loudly about the inequality of women. Contradictions and the manager's laissez-faire finally let the band disband. Joan really likes rock and wants to tell everyone that she can, she can don't want her fame for the future of the band, she can whisper to Cherie to come back and sing, and finally she formed a band by herself and succeeded, it's great, can keep doing it about things you like. Cherie was only drawn to be a young lead singer when she was rebellious in her youth. She needed her young, beautiful and sexy to talk about. In fact, she still longed for the sweetness of a little girl and the warmth of a family. She would go back when she had enough fun, but she couldn't go back. The original is exactly the same.
Joan's feelings for Cherie are not love, but similar to the rest of the band. They are lovers and family members. They are family members who will always be there to accompany you to do anything and reckless when you need them. She is a girl who loves rock together. In this world, their existence is announced loudly. Even if the two reunite through the air after many years, there will only be those happy time at home to recall, and then smile.
Talk about something else: Kristine's outfit in it is really offensive, I just don't like her always covering her breasts, maybe she wants to show a decadent hunchback, but it didn't work, the upper body is still quite fleshy and thin A little will be better. My favorite shot is when she was working on the bed, wearing only panties and holding an electric jig. Although her hair was messy, her legs were very youthful and energetic, and it was really good-looking. However, the portrayal of Joan in the film is quite pale, and I think there is always something that has not been released.
I just finished watching a movie that I wanted to watch a long time ago, just kidding, I feel old, ha.

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Extended Reading

The Runaways quotes

  • Cherie Currie: What is this?

    Sandy West: It ain't baby shampoo. I call it the dirty sink. A little bit of everything from my parent's liquor cabinet. Just a little, so they can't tell I'm dipping into their stash.

    Cherie Currie: My dad would notice - he likes his booze.

    Sandy West: Is he an alcoholic?

    Cherie Currie: No, he just likes it. He says that's the difference. He likes to drink, he doesn't need to drink.

    Sandy West: I like to drink.

    Joan Jett: The dirty sink is where we're gonna be puking that shit up tomorrow.

    Sandy West: Hey, Salt 'n' Pepper - race you down the hill.

    Joan Jett: You're fucking on.

  • Marie Currie: You know how many new bands think they're gonna make it?

    Cherie Currie: Kim thinks we got a real shot.

    Marie Currie: Kim Fowley? That guy's a total creep. Seriously, I heard he has a coat made out of dog fur.

    Cherie Currie: Well, excuse me if I don't wanna work at the Pup 'n' Fries for the rest of my life.