Screenplay: Pedro Almodóvar
Director: Pedro Almodóvar
Cinematography: Alfonso Beato
Starring: Marisa Paredes
, Juan Pablo Echanovi
translation: Fu Yuchen
Title picture: Zhou Zheng
This film won the Special Jury Award and the Best Actress Award at the 31st Karlovy Vary International Film Festival; it was nominated for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 68th Oscar in 1996.
Co-produced by Spanish Eldeseo Film Company and French CIBY2000
Company The finished video has been slightly altered.
0. Madrid Public Hotel School·Interior Scene·Daytime
A small right-angled space separated by 2-3 screens, there is nothing in it. A table with an indistinct pattern, three chairs, and a wall covered by a curtain.
This small world is in a corner of the hall, separated by a screen. Overall, it's not pretty. The whole set of furniture is a table, three chairs, and there is no style. A religious painting takes up most of one wall.
Two doctors in work clothes (white coats) each sat in a chair. The words of the two doctors were unconvincing, they were overly contrived (the doctors were not concentrating on their conversations) and gave the audience the impression of poor performance by the actors. In another chair sat a woman in her 40s. Her appearance is ordinary, like unobtrusive tables and chairs. The woman, Manuela, was more engaged than the two doctors.
Doctor A: We tried our best, but your son Juan died...
Manuela: No way! I saw just now that he was still breathing...are you mistaken? There were times when you were wrong too...
Doctor A: We were right this time!
Manuela: My Juan! I want to see my son...
Doctor B: Yes...but we have to remind you that you can't look at your appearance. You see him and feel him breathing, but that's not true. That's an artificial respiration machine.
Manuela (dazedly) Was he unconscious?
Doctor B: No.
Manuela (suddenly): I...if you don't mind, I'm taking him away. Money, I'll find a way...As long as it's possible, even if it's just a ray of hope...
Doctor B: No hope, ma'am! It's hard to figure out what's going on with brain death... (explainingly) We're using a machine to give your son air so it looks like he's breathing. However, his brain is dead.
Manuela: Juan is strong, he's only 16...(to Doctor B) If like you said, he looks like he's breathing...better he's breathing...
Doctor A: That's artificial The ventilator... as my colleague explained.
Manuela: I'm sorry, but I don't believe...
Doctor B: We have enough evidence... Juan's last brain scan was blank.
The two doctors looked impatient.
Manuela: It doesn't matter to me that he's an idiot, as long as he lives. ...
Doctor A (firmly and impatiently trying to end it as soon as possible): Madam, your son is dead!
Manuela: Juan! (covers face with hands)
Doctor A (repeating): He died... (pauses for her to accept the fact) Would you like us to inform the rest of the family?
Manuela: I am the only one at home. Two years ago, my husband died of a cerebrovascular embolism... My mother-in-law is still there, but she is in a difficult situation. She bought a motorcycle for Juan... I once told Hu Ann said that if something happens to you while riding a motorcycle, in the future...
Doctor B: This kind of thing happens every day.
Manuela: Every day? But I can't kill my son every day!
She seemed convinced, but suddenly she was staring at the doctor again.
Manuela: You have to swear to me!
The two doctors exchanged strange looks.
Doctor B: What?
Manuela: Swear to me, my Juan is dead!
Doctor A: No one has ever made such a request to us!
Doctor B understands the importance of swearing and can desensitize her by doing so.
Doctor B: Well, ma'am, we swear to you.
Manuela cried with her hands over her face. Taking advantage of the moment Manuela couldn't see them, the doctors exchanged expressions as if to say "Finally got it". There was a look of relief on their faces.
For the first time, the audience can see that it is not just Manuela and the two doctors in the space separated by the screen. Individuals who are not looking at the camera, to them, it seems that the machine does not exist at all.
1. School hall · Interior scene · Daytime
The images of Manuela and the two doctors appear on the TV screen in the middle of the hall.
In the center of the hall, there is a large space, with more than 20 tables covered with green tablecloths, surrounded by red chairs, where young doctors are sitting and taking records. In front of them, Betty stood by the VCR monitor and the blackboard. Betty and the doctors watched what was happening in the enclosed corner through video surveillance. But that's not the end of Scenario 0.
Betty is a psychiatrist and paramedic who runs a lecture for doctors. What happened in Scenario 0 was part of the lecture practice, dramatizing a typical and hypothetical scenario: how to notify the family that one of his relatives died unexpectedly.
Manuela is Betty's friend, assistant, and a nurse herself. She plays the mother of a lad (Juan) who dies in an accident, in order for the doctors to properly handle this kind of thing.
The performance of the lecture is to teach the doctors to use a more humane way to reduce their mental trauma when informing the family of the deceased about the accidental death, and then express to them that they ask for the organ donation of the deceased.
With these two scenes, the cast subtitles are inserted, but each subtitle stays on the screen for only four or five seconds, which does not affect the narrative line, and the voice of the dialogue can continue to be heard.
Leo sleeps in bed. The bed is too big for a woman. Leo (beautiful appearance in his 40s, with the shape of a young man, with a thoughtful expression) hugged the pillow and fell asleep with his arms and legs curled up.
There are two stacks of books on the bedside table, and there are also books below, some of which are opened. On the bedside table is a picture of Leo and her husband Paco. There are blue glass balls inlaid around the frame. This decoration is very delicate. It was bought by Leo during a trip abroad. The photo is of the couple kissing.
Madrid in winter is gray, with the sun obscured by dark clouds. It foretells rain.
INTERIOR A gust of wind blew open the window of Leo's bedroom, and the wind lifted a few pages of Juan José Mirias' novel "She is imagining", (the book is on the floor beside the bed) The blowing wind quickly flipped the book over. A horizontal line was drawn on a page, and a triangle was turned on the edge, and it was written: "In the face of madness, nothing can be done."
Hear the sound of the keys of the typewriter.
(Leo is at home doing his own writing) The bookshelves against the wall are full of books. The light from the window shines on the writing desk, through which one can see the residential area of Madrid.
Leo was writing on a typewriter:
"In the face of madness, powerless."
"In the face of madness, powerless."
Leo repeated the sentence several times. The book with the line drawn is next to the typewriter. There are also several books there, some of which are circled. On a piece of paper, a few sentences are repeated.
"Stunned in pain..."
"Stunned in pain..."
"Looks irritable"
"Looks irritable"
Despite the computer on the desk, Leo was willing to write on her electric typewriter. She liked the sound of it, she was used to it. The sound of the typewriter accompanied her.
After the camera shows us "There's nothing we can do about it..." written in the first line, there's a panorama showing all the clutter lying on the desk. Various containers for ballpoint pens, Vernasetti ashtrays, exercise books of various origins: some new, others used, bought in different countries. Each workbook is written with a topic (eg: "Plan," "Sentence," "Newspaper Clipping," "Date," etc.).
There are also medicine bottles on the desk. There is a mark on the edge of the book. There are also folders, in one of which the writing titled "Newspaper Clipping" appears. There are various newspaper clippings in the folders, which have not been sorted out. The first newspaper clipping reported the suicide of the singer Niwana (The National) with the headline: "I've had enough", which was circled.
Panoramic view of the table (there are still cups on it, the contents of the previous day, and wine bottles), and the sound of paper from the typewriter can be heard as Leo rolls up a new sheet of paper. The voiceover can hear her, as if Leo is reading (no voice). Sometimes Leo muttered to himself at the typewriter. On the table, among the piles of papers, is a delicate little frame with a picture of Leo's husband, Paco.
LEO (Voiceover): Every day I put on the boots you gave me...Today I put on the boots you gave me two years ago. Do you remember? You have to take my boots off at night because I can't take them off. This morning when I saw these boots I thought of you and for you I put them on. Boots are too tight. Sometimes thinking of you like these boots makes my chest tight and I can't breathe. Better to take them off.
Leo (to himself): I'm suffocating.
Leo wears little makeup and his hair is neatly combed. The appearance is clean and simple. Wearing a shirt and trousers, and a pair of boots, has been mentioned in her writing.
Leo put down the pen, pushed back the chair, left the table, and started taking off her boots, but she couldn't. She tried several times, but she still couldn't take it off.
Leo sat down again at the table and resumed writing.
LEO (Voiceover): I can't take my boots off!
This made her feel alone and helpless, and she stamped the ground angrily.
Leo dialed a phone number and waited for an answer from the other party.
6. Rehearsal Field · Interior Scene · Day
A: In the hallway of the rehearsal field, a phone hung on the wall kept ringing, but no one answered the phone.
B: This is a rented venue. Wooden floors, white walls, a large mirror on one side wall, a few chairs. It's a typical dance rehearsal.
Antonio danced on his heels to the clapping of his mother and others.
There was a mix of banging, applause, and heel-dance, and it was impossible to hear the phone ringing in the nearby hallway.
Blanca: A thin, serious, Andalusian with a Greek appearance. Aged between 45 and 50 years old. His son Antonio is handsome, like his mother, dark-skinned, and when he dances, he becomes radiant.
Back to 5. Leo's House · Interior Scene · Daytime
Leo was disappointed and hung up the phone.
Back to 6. Rehearsal Field · Interior Scene · Day
A: In the corridor, the phone is not ringing.
B: At this point, Blanca and Antonio stopped to talk about dancing.
7. Main Street·Location·Daytime
weather is gray and dull, and it begins to rain sparsely. The rain startled Leo. But she didn't go home to get an umbrella.
Leo stood unhappily on the sidewalk, not waiting for a taxi.
She started walking, carrying a plastic bag with a pair of shoes in it. She was still wearing those squeezing boots.
A drug addict approached her and asked her for money, 1,000 pesetas. At first, Leo looked at him nervously, not paying attention to the demands made by the drug addict. But the addict continued to follow her, begging servilely, saying that he did not want to hurt her, but only wanted 1,000 pesetas. Leo stopped and stared at him, making up his mind.
Leo: If you can help me take off my boots, I'll give you 5,000 pesetas.
Drug addicts, far from being surprised by this particular suggestion, embraced it with enthusiasm.
Drug addict: Come on, I'll do it!
Leo: Haven't we met before?
Drug addict: I don't think I've seen...
Leo sat down by the fountain and stretched his leg out to the addict. Seeing the clumsy and weak look of the young man, Leo told him what to do, how to hold the shoe.
Leo: Grab the heel and pull it out.
The addict complied, but the boot didn't come out at all. It started to rain, and neither of the two cared about the weather. Leo retracted his foot.
Leo: Look, you should do this, grab the heel, face down. Hurry up...we're going to die...
Drug addict: it's ok...I like the rain...
the lad is pulling his boots off again, 5000 pesetas is a matter of life and death for him, his face and hair dripping with sweat and rain.
Leo: Forget it...
Leo withdrew his leg.
Drug addict (suggesting): I'll find a partner, let's take off together...
Leo (stands up and hands the addict a bill): No, you take it and go.
Before the addict could thank him, Leo disappeared into the rain in frustration.
An ordinary regional bar, with music coming from the machines, filled with a cheerful atmosphere. Leo (with wet hair and clothes) asked the waiter at the bar for a cup of coffee and brandy, which she drank. The wine helped her refresh her mind. She dropped the coin into the phone hanging on the wall, and the other party's voice came.
Voice of the other party's phone: This is the National Organ Transplant Center.
Leo: Hello! I'm Leo, Betty's friend, can I speak to her?
The other party: She's not here, she has a lecture today...
Leo: Ah! Can you tell me where she is?
The other party: at the public hotel school in Madrid.
Leo: As usual...
Opponent: Yes, I guess it won't be over until very late.
Leo: Thank you.
She hung up the phone, thoughtful. She looked around. Is it possible to ask a customer at the bar to help her take off her boots? It's rude to do so.
The atmosphere in the bar is loud and cheerful, just as the rain puts people in a good mood. But none of these infected Leo, and her pain surrounded her like a microclimate.
9. The school hall and corner · interior view
Two high screens separate a part of the hall into a space. (Continuation of scene 0. In the same environment, doctors A and B are sitting at the same table and talking to Manuela). This group of shots alternately appear in the isolated space and on the screen. Betty was standing by the TV in the middle of the hall.
Doctor A: Is your son full of breath? Does he care about social issues?
Manuela: I don't know... He's against violence, war... Anyway, as it should be...
Doctor A (hurriedly): That shows he cares about others.
Doctor B: Definitely!
Doctor A: Does he often talk about death?
Manuela: How can you talk about death? He is only 16 years old!
Doctor B (correcting): We ask this because some people decide to donate their organs after death... We want to know if Juan...
Manuela (interrupting): Are you going to give him a transplant? Do you think he is still saved?
Doctor B: It can be saved, but not your son, but other patients.
Doctor A: You misunderstood. Your son's organs can save several lives.
Doctor B: Juan is young and strong. His organs can be used, and he can save 5 people.
Doctor A: But we need your permission.
Manuela (rejecting, feeling terrible): Stop torturing me. A lady in the waiting room has reminded me that you can't dismember my son...
Doctor A: It's not dismemberment, it's just an operation on the inside of the body, and the outside of the body is still intact.
Manuela: I want to see my son!
Doctor A: You should think about it. 80% of the families who consulted with them were willing to donate and found it a huge comfort...I'm speaking from experience...
Manuela tried to calm herself down and think.
In the hall, Betty and the other doctors who attended the "lecture" watched the performance on video monitors. Some people are taking notes.
Manuela: So, who to give the organs to?
Doctor B: To those who need it most.
Manuela: Will it be given to the Arabs?
Doctor B: Arab? We give to those who need it most, regardless of his race or social status.
Manuela: I read in the newspapers that rich Arabs buy everything.
Doctor B (angrily): Madam, this kind of thing only happens in the countries of the third world... Spain is a member of the European Organ Donation Program, and all the processes are very transparent.
Manuela is aware of the situation.
Manuela: At least for the people in Madrid?
Doctor B: Transplant laws don't allow us to speak...
Manuela (dazedly): I don't know what to do... Can't you wait a few days? I want to think about it.
Doctor A: We can't wait, unfortunately there is no only have a few minutes to decide...
Doctor B (correcting Doctor A): Take advantage of the limited need help with any questions , tell us...we're here not just to ask your permission to donate organs, but to help you...sorry, that's how we should have started...
Manuela (talking to herself enthusiastically. At this point she No longer a mother, but a nurse): Isn't it too late... OK, let's go...
Manuela, Doctors A and B finished their performance inside the screen. They stood up, left the table, and joined the others in the lecture class.
As described earlier, in the middle of the hall, a U-shaped table was formed. More than 20 doctors of different ages and genders sat on red chairs, leaning on the table covered with green tablecloths, and continued to listen. Lecture hosted by Betty.
There is a list of attendees on the table.
Manuela and the doctors walk up to Betty, smiling and standing by the video camera (on the video screen we see how they get up and out of the screened space).
Betty (to Manuela): Manuela, you did a great job!
The two doctors (Doctors A and B) walked among the others who "attended the lecture", that is, returned to the U-shaped table. Manuela stood beside Betty.
Manuela: Thanks, but I think my performance was a little too sentimental...
Betty: Where! You are the best actor in every lecture...(to the two doctors who just played the role) If you have any comments, please mention, stop the tape. Hello, Roberto, (looking at Doctor A) What do you think?
Doctor A: It sucks, especially when Manuela refuses to understand brain death.
Manuela (refuting): Hey, I didn't say no, you forgot, I'm a nurse. But many people have no idea what a brain scan is.
Betty: Brain death is hard to explain and hard to understand. Family members are very sad at this time, and they will seize any small and slim opportunity. When the family does not understand and accept the fact of the death of the loved one, it is not possible to mention donations. Therefore, explain in a way that is understandable and respectful.
A. The hall door is open, Leo's head sticks in, and no one sees her. Betty was speaking "very sad" when Leo heard her voice and closed the door.
B. (corridor) Leo is sitting on the sofa near the door. Next to the entrance of the hall, there is a sign that reads the title of the lecture hosted by Betty "The Complete Program of Donating Organs".
Betty rewinds the tape. She turns to face Doctor B.
Betty: Hello, Fernando?
Doctor B: Don't mention how bad it is...
Betty: Well done at the end, but should have helped at the beginning. Your mission (to others) is to help families, reduce the tension they feel when they learn of a loved one's death, and pave the way for guys, I'm using pave, not "get"...( Back to Doctor B) Where do you feel bad?
Doctor B: When it comes to the Arabs...I feel outraged and uncontrollable.
Betty: Because you're "judging" Manuela's reaction.
Manuela: It wasn't me, it was the mother's reaction. I am not racist.
Betty: Well...(to Doctor B) You are perfectly reasonable to reject her, but you can't "judge" the family, that's the basic principle. Pain and fear can cause any reaction, even the wildest.
13. The members of the lecture class at the door near the hall
came out and discussed what happened just now. Betty and Manuela also came out. She saw Leo sitting in a chair waiting. She was surprised to see Leo here, but knew right away that something was wrong with her friend.
Betty: Leo, why are you here?
Leo (confused, embarrassed, and concerned at knowing that she's not here): I need to see you...I know you're busy, but in just a minute, I promise...
Betty says goodbye to Manuela.
Betty: Manuela, you're waiting for me at the cafe.
Manuela greets Leo, they know each other. Manuela is no longer playing the mother, and after returning to her role as a nurse, she looks younger than when she was acting. Possibly due to a change in head shape (hair falling out).
Manuela: What happened? Leo?
Leo: Nothing, it's raining outside... (forces a smile) I want to talk to Betty...
Manuela walked out.
Leo: Where is no one's place?
Betty: Here, come with me.
Betty took Leo to the hall, which was empty at the moment.
Betty is younger than Leo and looks confident. Everything about her is exposed, beautiful, but a little cold. Maybe it all depends on her hair...straight blond, shoulder to shoulder...
she genuinely cares about the social issues around her. She's energetic, funky, and lonely. At times, her sympathy led her to meddle in the lives of others in a cluttered way. She wears fancy clothes, but they are not conspicuous, making her beauty more inner. She wears clear glass glasses. Leo wore dark sunglasses to hide the tears in her eyes. And Betty wears glasses not to hide her ugliness but to see things more clearly. Dark shades give Leo a mysterious look, and clear glass glasses give Betty a respectable look.
Leo sits on the armchair where the doctors had just sat.
Betty looked at her carefully.
Betty: All right. What happened?
Leo (stammering): You must think I'm a fool, but (crying) I'm here so you can take my boots off...I can't take them off...
Betty's eyes show she can't laugh or cry at Leo . She thought to herself, "For this, she's so embarrassed to interrupt my work?" But she restrained herself and said nothing.
Leo: I don't know who to go to... My maid Blanca is off today, I called her but she wasn't there (tears).
Betty (trying to hide her consternation, pretending to be a natural tenderness): Come on, give me your foot... Leo stretched out a foot, Betty grabbed the boot and started tugging. But the shoes couldn't come off, and her hair was a little messy.
Leo (explaining): Paco bought it for me two years ago...he was also taking off my boots at the restaurant at night because I couldn't get them off by myself...
the fond memories of her husband who was not around brought her back again. cry.
After much effort, Betty finally took off Leo's boots. But she also felt exhausted. She faced Leo, looked at her. Leo pulled another pair of boots from the plastic bag and put them on. Betty adjusted her hair while watching Leo's movements. She said nothing. However, it was obvious that the scene just now upset her, and she had to take into account that she was a psychiatrist.
Leo: Thanks, Betty.
Betty: Leo, you can't go on like this...
Leo (naively): Go on what?
Betty: Crying most of the time...
Leo: So what do you want me to do? (She realizes that Betty still has a job, and changes her tone) Well, I won't delay you any more, I'm leaving...
Leo got up and walked towards the door, Betty staring at her blankly.
Betty: Shall we have dinner together tonight?
Leo: I would if you could...
They kissed each other. Leo turned around again when he got to the door and said, "Don't worry about me, I'm fine..."
She closed the door. Betty stood alone in the empty hall. She shoved her hands into her trouser pockets anxiously.
(A special restaurant in Madrid, simple but attractive, one of those expensive hotels with walls covered in bottles.)
Betty and Leo are dining. Leo's mood improved markedly, as he was running out of wine from a bottle. Leo's outfit is perfect for the occasion. Neither of them wore glasses, which made them even more beautiful.
Leo: Betty, if I drink like this, I'm going to be an alcoholic.
Betty: Have you gone to my friend Angel, who works at The National?
Leo: Not yet...
Betty: Aren't you interested?
Leo: In a hurry... You have to introduce me...
Betty: Don't be silly! Angel is charming and a good friend of mine. He promised me that you will find him tomorrow or the day after...
Leo: Well, did you tell him who I am?
Betty: No, say it yourself, if you see fit.
A waiter walked past the table, ready to serve other customers.
Leo drank more and more quickly.
Leo: Hey, Betty, everything's not going well except the wine!
Betty: Leo, you should come out and do can't stay home all day waiting for Paco to call.
Leo: Then what are you asking me to do?
Betty: If you can't, tell me, we'll ask a professional doctor for help...
Leo: I don't need professional help, I need Paco...
Betty: Leo, you're not the only one with marital problems.
Leo: This is not consolation.
Leo is looking through the scattered folders, notebooks, open books, apparently not finding what she needs. She picked up a paper pocket with more than 200 pages in it, and a folder containing two articles that were stapled with redaction marks. In an instant, we see that one of the articles is titled "Pain and Life."
Flamenco music can be heard from the kitchen, the maid listening to the radio.
Blanca is working in the kitchen (or peeling potatoes) and listening to flamenco on the radio. She is the woman in the rehearsal space (scene 6), where she works as a maid. Leo came in uneasily.
Blanca: Want me to help you find it?
Leo stared at her blankly, an old-fashioned question. Blanca spoke with an Andalusian tone.
Blanca: What did you lose today?
Leo: I don't know...I'm looking for two binders like this (point to her) with paper in them that I packed last week...they should be somewhere, of course, how would you know Woolen cloth!
Blanca: Did you find a writing desk?
Leo: Nothing will be found on the desk...
Blanca: You won't let me clean your desk! Let me see...
Leo: "Article" on the cover...
16B. Leo House · Living Room · Interior Scene · Daytime
Blanca comes to the living room. On a table in the middle lay some magazines, which Blanca rummaged through. These literary and fashion magazines have just been cut. There was an exercise book the size of paper on the fireplace. She looked inside and found two binders, but not plastic, but green cardboard. She took it out and handed it to Leo.
Blanca: Are these? But not the plastic one...with "article" written on it.
Leo: That's all, can do it! (Thinking, suddenly) I wanted to say something to you...
she tried her best, but couldn't remember.
Leo and Blanca come to the kitchen.
Blanca: Take your medicine!
She took a glass of water and handed it and medicine to Leo.
Leo: My memory is getting worse and worse, but this medicine makes my libido go up... You know, this medicine is an aphrodisiac?
Blanca: What is it?
Leo (with medicine in hand): By the way, I remembered, if Mr. calls, you ask him to call me again at night. If he asks you how I am, you say, I am fine.
Blanca nodded in agreement, and Leo threw the two folders with various redaction symbols on them into the trash.
The doorbell rang and came into the kitchen.
Blanca: It's Antonio, my son, I asked him to help me with the bottle, I couldn't hold it...
They went to the door and opened it.
Leo and Antonio greet each other.
Antonio carried two plastic bags with wine bottles. He's the guy dancing in the rehearsal area.
The young man looked cautious in front of Leo, and before the door was closed, Leo left the mother and son.
DAY Antonio takes bottles from his pocket, mineral water, beer, Coca-Cola, two bottles of whiskey and a few bottles of ginger soda, gin, etc. As he put these things in the refrigerator, he chatted with his mother. Blanca continued peeling potatoes, preparing to make hash browns. While chatting, Blanca remained motionless and continued to do her own thing. After Antonio had put away the bottle, he closed the refrigerator door and poured a cup of coffee that had just been brewed in an English coffee pot.
Antonio (depressed): Don't eat, but always drink...
Blanca: Writers drink a lot...
Antonio: Also an alcoholic!
Blanca: Antonio, (suddenly) I'm not happy that you speak ill of her!
Antonio: Come on... did you tell her?
Blanca: No...
Antonio: What are you waiting for?
Blanca: Now I can't leave her, she needs me.
Antonio: Mom! We cannot lose this opportunity. I don't know when there will be a chance!
Blanca: What chance? I don't believe it until I see the contract!
Antonio: The only thing I'm asking of you is rehearsal, I'll take care of the rest...
Blanca: That's what I'm worried about. I don't understand, the producer didn't see anything, so how could they give you 2 million... (change of tone), you go take out the trash.
Antonio avoided the question, walked to the trash can, and took out a folder with two titles, one of which was "Pain and Life."
Blanca: Did they ask you for something in exchange?
ANTONIO (protesting): What did you say!
After taking a look, he put the folder in the garbage bag and wrapped it up.
Blanca: Antonio, why don't you go to someone else? I haven't danced for a long time, besides, my kidneys are not good!
Antonio: Here again, Mom, (angrily) You're the best!
Blanca: The best...that was before...
Continue peeling potatoes by leaning against the sink.
18. Facade of the El Pais building, exterior, daytime
Leo looked at the facade of the building with the words El Pais written on it, she was a little timid, but at the same time challenging, she entered the building.
19. The 4th floor of the El Pais building - INT - DAY
Angel was with a colleague when Leo came to him. This is a large workshop for printing newspapers on a modern web. Angel pointed to his colleague with childlike pride and smugness, as if he were pointing to a huge electric train in the sky. The device in action is truly spectacular and fascinating. Leo watched all this with excitement. Angel is young, has a fat body, is considerate, and likes to drink. He is outgoing and emotional. Often taunting his loneliness and disappointment, he is an eccentric, happy man on the outside. His ruthless taunts sometimes make him seem overly acerbic and fake. Behind his grim, self-deprecating face, it is clear that he hides a wounded and longing heart.
Leo is over 40, brown-haired, weak-willed, and a little jittery, and an emotional pain is slowly eroding her self-confidence. This crisis-type characteristic will make her a bold person. Sometimes, she boldly resists what should not be lost.
Angel left his friend, in the sound of the spinning machine, they looked at each other, Angel approached her: Hello...
Leo: Hello, my name is Leo Macias... Betty's friend .
Angel (surprised): Ah, is that you? Betty called and said you were coming... How can I help you?
They left the hall of the carousel, the noise of the machine disturbing their conversation.
they are walking in a very spacious hallway with the elevator doors on one side and many tables on the other with sample newspapers on them: this is another more human device, no Noisy, but its activity is equally frantic. The space was divided into small spaces, and there were people in it, some were using computers, and some were answering phones.
Leo looked on in amazement.
Leo: I want to write for your newspaper...(exactly) about literature...
Leo (shyly, but persuasively): I'm a writer...but I'm also a good reader. I could write literary reviews...or about novels. I remind you that I am daring...
Angel: A little bold article is appropriate for a supplement...I'm just trying to change something...I don't know if I appreciate your masterpiece...
Leo (absolutely): No , you haven't seen it.
Angel: How do you know? (jokingly) Am I ignorant?
Leo: No, because I never published it.
Leo (confession): I don't want you to work for me just because I'm a friend of Betty's, I brought a novel and two articles that will give you an idea of how I write...
they went to Ankh In front of Er's office, there is a sign above it, which reads his name and title: Editor-in-Chief of Cultural Supplement. Leo glanced at the sign, then took out a few binders from the bag, two small ones and one with 200 pages of paper (novel). She gave them all to Angel.
Leo: Well, I don't want to take up your time anymore. Thank you for hosting me.
Angel: You didn't bother me. Would you like to come into the office and talk?
Leo: Well then...
Leo was invited, and she looked at Angel in amazement. She didn't expect Angel to pay so much attention to herself.
Leo: I'm going to the bathroom...
Angel pointed her to a door inside. (Leo walks over and pushes the door open.)
Leo looks in the mirror, she doesn't need grooming at the moment. She took a whisky bottle from her bag and took a sip. She looked in the mirror again and walked out.
21. Angel's Office · Interior · Daytime
Angel's office is very spacious. The space is large and there are few personal items. On a small table, there was a coffee machine, Angel poured Leo a cup of coffee and handed it to her. Leo took the coffee and sat down. Angel poured himself another glass. He sat across from Leo. To appear easygoing, he took a small bottle of whiskey from a drawer, poured a few drops into the coffee, and handed it to Leo. Leo smiled and refused. While drinking coffee, Angel looked at the title on the heaviest binder.
Angel (looking at the title): "Refrigerator", is it a novel you wrote?
Leo: Yes...of course.
An atmosphere of trust. Angel and Leobi seemed relaxed when they first met.
Angel: You did not sign.
Leo: I forgot...
Angel: When did you start writing?
Leo: It started in the 10s. Our family moved to Estelamadura for financial reasons. The street where we lived was very illiterate, and the neighbors came to me, gave me a few pesetas, and asked me to write to them. ...they received the letter, and they also came to me and asked me to read it to them. Since then, I've been reading and writing...
Angel: Great!
Leo: In summer, sometimes when I'm in the shade at the door, I read novels to them...
Angel: What kind of novels?
LEO (shyly): Romance novels...but now I'm talking about my childhood...
Angel: What genre, subject, or era are you good at?
On the table are two newly published books by different authors. At the top is the Amanda Grace Collection. Leo stumbled across it.
Leo: No, I only write about what I like, and it would be best if I could avoid Spanish literature... ah, one more thing.
Angel (laughing): Another condition?
Leo: Yes, I would like to use a pseudonym.
Angel became more and more attracted to this woman, her boldness and elusiveness fascinated him.
Angel: Good...what writers do you like?
Leo: I especially like female, adventurous, suicidal, crazy types...they're victims of their own and of her time. For example: Juna Barnes, Janet Boris, Dorothy Parker, Jones Rees, Flaline O'Connor, Virginia Woolf, Edith Wharton...
Angel: So many!
Leo: I refer to these people in my article (referring to the binder) I name them in a string.
Angel: I also like women's literature. What do you think of Amanda Grace?
Leo: How did you know Amanda Grace was a woman?
Angel (dazed): This...
Leo: No one has seen his picture... No one knows who he is?
Angel: You're right...but his writing style is decidedly Barbara Calante and Venezuelan soap operas.
Leo looked at him angrily.
Angel: I don't think you like sentimental literature.
Leo: Yes. I don't think there is much emotion in this literature you speak of. No pain, no sadness, just formulaic sentimentality...
Angel: I respect your opinion, but I disagree. Could you put what you just said into 5 pages?
Leo: I don't think I'm the right person...Amanda Grace scares me...
Angel: Best. In this column, we are just going to publish both positive and negative articles, your manuscript can be used as negative...
Leo (coldly): I don't like to write negative articles, there are already quite a few negative articles in my world... …I don’t want to suffer anymore, especially writing for money…
After speaking frankly, she stood up and was about to put away the binder, but Angel put her hand on Leo’s first. Leo stared at him as if to ask him what game you were playing. Angel also said sincerely: I'm sorry, I often feel stupid when I'm with the person I like...
Leo: I don't understand!
Angel was worried that Leo would shed tears.
Angel: Forget about it! You don't have to write about Amanda Grace. I'll read your books and articles ASAP, but don't look at me that way...
LEAO (hesitating): All right. goodbye!
She turned around, walked to the door, pushed it open, walked out, and closed the door again. Angel watched all this. As Leo closed the door, he said to himself: I'm so stupid!
STREET Leo wiped a few tears from the corners of his eyes and put on black sunglasses.
The music starts and continues to the next scene.
23. The road leading to the suburbs · Just entered the afternoon
Leo was driving a car, and the music playing on the radio was reverberating.
She was engrossed in driving, ignoring the scenery outside the car. She changed clothes, and there were two plastic bags full of clothes on the seat next to her.
24. Suburbs · A community outside Madrid · In the afternoon
, most of the people living here are working families. From the South, Extremadura or La Mancha.
Leo pulled into a street and parked across from a building. She got out of the car with two plastic bags in her hands. Leo rang the doorbell on the fourth floor, and the voice of the question: "Who is it?"
Leo: It's me, Leo.
There was a happy cry from the other party, and the door opened automatically.
Leo pushed the door with his body and entered.
25. Rosa Residential Building·Interior·Afternoon
There is no elevator in the building, and Leo was tired when he got to the third floor. Before she reached the fourth floor, Rosa opened the door to welcome her. When she saw her sister Leo standing in the corridor, she shouted, "Leo!"
Rosa went down the steps and kissed Leo. She helps Leo with the plastic bag. They went up the steps and Rosa looked at the contents of the plastic bag. The sisters were very excited to meet, but they both looked tired.
Rosa: What did you take?
Leo: A few clothes.
Rosa: Why bother again?
Leo: If you don't like it, or if it doesn't work, just tell me.
Rosa: How can it be useless? I can't wear it, the child can still wear it! It's all new!
They went to the door and opened the door.
26. Rosa's House · Interior View · Afternoon
The door just opened when the mother appeared. She is about 65 years old, her hair is pulled up in a bun, and she wears dark glasses despite being in the room. She was wearing a burqa with patches and an old apron.
Mother (kissing Leo, rejoicing): My child! My child is here!
Leo: Mom, how are you?
Mother: That's it... What else can I do!
Three women chattered through the small hall and into the small living room. There is a glass rectangular table, a long wardrobe, a TV, and a small round sofa.
There is a narrow hallway from the living room. On the other side there is a glass door to the balcony. All this shows that this is a clean, but shabby, humble world.
Leo: What's going on?
Rosa: She's down.
Mother: Because of the weather... this Madrid!
The three women sat down at the glass table.
Rosa: Weather? It's because she's neurotic...! Love to lose your temper!
Mother (dramatically): Shut up, horse face! (to Leo) Your sister always curses me for being neurotic!
Rosa is a few years younger than Leo, dressed in housewife's clothes, her husband is a metal worker, loves crafts (unemployed), and several of his "personal" works can be seen in the room which are not aesthetically pleasing. Although the two sisters did not see each other very often, there was a lot of tenderness between them.
Leo tries to avoid confrontation between his mother and sister.
Leo: Stop fighting! It's because of the weather that I'm also in a bad mood...
Mother: My legs are as heavy as lead.
Leo (to mother): Mom, you should go should go out for a walk...or you'll have trouble...
Mother: I'm out of time...
Leo (to Rosa): Why don't you take her out?
Rosa (retorting): She doesn't want to go out!
They sat down at the table.
Mother: Why should I go out? Let the hooligan kill me, or let the car hit me? (to Leo) I don't know what to do with them, you don't know how they stare at me...
Rosa (to Leo): Her eyes are getting worse... but she just doesn't go to the ophthalmologist.
Leo came up with "Amanda Grace", part of the "Innocent Love" anthology, published by Dream Press. Angel gave her the book and asked her to write a review.
Leo: I bring you Amanda Grace's latest book, the first edition is sold out.
Mother (complaining): Daughter, I can no longer read or knit. (almost crying) I've been blind all day. I could barely see anything...
Leo had to put the book on the table.
Rosa: The ophthalmologist said if she had surgery, she could restore her vision...
Mother (to Leo): Your sister just wanted to push me into the operating room, (to Rosa) I don't want to be in the operating room! As long as I'm alive, don't even think about sending me into the operating room... When I'm dead, you can do whatever you want with my body.
Leo: Mom, God!
Mother: You don't care about me, and I won't cause you any more trouble.
Rosa shook her head impatiently.
Rosa (to Leo): You see it! I just told her to see an ophthalmologist, that's all!
Mother: What do you know?
Rosa: What do I know? It's what the doctor said.
Mother: What the doctor said is not suitable for me. (To Leo) Leo, surgery is like an unopened cantaloupe. If you don't open it, you don't know whether it's good or bad.
The metaphor made Leo chuckle. Suddenly, the mother stood up in a hurry.
MOTHER (to Leo): I go to the bathroom...I have dry stools and can't poop if I don't put a glycerin plug...
On a shelf in a bar cabinet, Amanda Grace's novels are neatly arranged leave it. Rosa put the anthology in it too. On the walls, there are pictures of children being baptized. Only the two sisters were left in the room.
Leo watches his mother leave the narrow hallway sadly. She found that her mother's health was getting worse and worse. But for Rosa, it was commonplace.
Rosa: She's impatient. She always runs to the toilet and has to put glycerin plugs every day... (shakes her head indifferently, suddenly, her expression changes, as if she just remembered something) Ah, I haven't brought you anything yet! Look at my brain! ...I made you something to eat...
Leo got up and followed Rosa to the kitchen.
Leo: I just want a cup of coffee, I told you, don't do anything.
28. Rosa's Kitchen · Interior Scene · Afternoon
The humble kitchen looks like a place to hang things and pile up junk.
Rosa (making coffee): I can't fight her, or she'll come. You don't know how fierce she is!
Leo: She's bored...because she's used to the country makes her depressed...
Rosa: She's like Aunt Bedra.
Leo: Don't say that. Aunt Betra has been mentally ill since she was a child... Mom is neurotic because of her old age.
Rosa: So, what about Mom's aunt! And what about grandma? Then they all went crazy... Mom is related to them... (changes tone) I made you your favorite squid.
Leo: No, no, thank you. (change of tone) You've told me that in the future we'll be crazy too, because they'll pass it on to us too.
Rosa ignored what her sister said.
Rosa (ignoringly): Did you see how she was dressed? Like a beggar...some pudding? Just made with milk and eggs, this all you can eat!
She showed it to Leo, and the pudding looked beautiful on a large plate.
Leo: I have some...
Leo tasted a little pudding and it was delicious. The two sat down.
Leo: I brought you (give Rosa an envelope with money) for you.
Rosa (reluctantly takes it): I'll give it back to you when Santiago finds a job...
Leo: How is he?
Rosa: Not so good, doing odd jobs... drinking more and more... arguing with mom, who calls him an alcoholic... and I'm in the middle of them so bad...
Rosa gets up and takes the coffee from the fire pot.
Leo (reluctantly): Maybe my mother should have sex with me...
Rosa: With you? How did she get along with you!
Leo: Your burden is too heavy.
Rosa: I'm used to it...
Rosa opened the cupboard, took out the teacup, and her mother appeared at the door leading to the hall.
Mother: What did you say bad about me again?
Rosa: Scared me to death! Almost broke the teacup!
Mother went into the small kitchen.
MOTHER (to Leo): Leave her alone, Leo... (with a pained expression) I wish my legs were like a brain... My legs suck...
Rosa: You shouldn't eat so much salt The...
Mother: I can't stand her!
Leo: Stop arguing! Mom, why don't you wear the new burqa I bought you?
Mother: It's too beautiful to be displayed.
Leo: I bought it for you so you can wear it.
Mother: It's better to keep it...
Rosa: She's like a beggar, it's a shame to go out with her on the street!
MOTHER (to Leo): Your sister doesn't like what I'm doing. She was as eccentric as my dead sister Betra...they were a lot like...
Mother went to the refrigerator and the cupboard in the kitchen.
Rosa: You are like your sister, your aunt, and your grandma!
Mother: Who else?
Leo: Please, let my relatives rest in peace!
Mother (finding something by the refrigerator): I'm going back to the country to live so I don't have to bother you.
Rosa: Who said you bothered us?
Mother: After lunch, I dozed off for a while, she was like a sergeant, pushing me to wake up...
Rosa: If you don't wake you up, you will lose sleep at night...
Mother: She pushed me to wake up , what should I do? Better to die early so no one is in trouble. (shouting) Why can't I find something? Put everything away!
Rosa (shouting): What are you looking for?
The mother answered her daughter with the same cry.
Mother: Roasted peppers!
Rosa's finger was right in front of where her mother was standing.
Rosa: Right here.
MOTHER (to Leo): I told you, I can't see anything!
Mother was looking for a plastic bag to put the bottled roasted peppers in.
Rosa: I can't see anything, and I have to go back to the country...not until the children are on vacation...
Mother: I don't like Madrid!
Leo (mediating): Mom, you can't live alone in the country, we have to find someone to help you with the housework and stay with you at night...
Mom: Okay, they stole my sausages from the closet... Stop talking about it.
Mother put roasted peppers in a plastic bag.
Leo: Mom, it's better for you to live in the country. But from now on, I can't live alone.
Mother ignored her and changed her tone. It's hard to believe that she can go from an angry tone to a tenderness.
Mother: Here's the roasted peppers I made for you and put them in your pocket.
Leo took the plastic bag with the chili bottle from his mother.
Leo: Why bother? What did I ask the maid to do...
Mother: How could that gypsy woman do so well!
Rosa: What a racist.
Leo: She is very good at ironing, Paco said, no one can iron like her, but I can't.
MOTHER (interrupting): I don't think it's as comfortable as staying at home in a war.
Leo's expression changed, but she didn't say anything.
Mother: I think you're in a bad mood, have to go to war! (Glancing at Rosa, who nods in agreement with her) Don't worry too much...I pray for him every day, keep him safe...
Leo: Pray for me too.
Mother: Of course, my daughter, first for you...
Rosa: Why don't you pray for me.
Mother: Because you are not religious.
Rosa: Whatever it is, just pray!
Rosa looked for a plastic tub in the cupboard above her mother's head.
Mother (to Leo): You give me some money to donate to the village.
Leo took out another envelope and gave it to his mother.
Leo: I didn't you.
Rosa: Are you not having some pudding anymore?
Leo: No.
Rosa: I'll wrap it up for you, take it away...I'll wrap the squid for you.
Mother: Don't forget, your nephew's birthday is next week...
Rosa: Mom, God, don't ask for it again! The kid doesn't need anything...
Mother: Just buy him a denim suit, because he always wears that. He has grown up! His studies and conduct are good, unlike that crazy sister... he can't even wash his panties...
Rosa: They are both the same age. You are grandma and granddaughter! (to Leo) Here you go, pudding.
She put the pack on the table. Mother is counting the money in the envelope Leo gave her.
MOTHER (counting the money): I can't stand her!
She was referring to Rosa.
30 and 30A. Leo House · Writing Desk · Int · Night · Angel House · Int · Night
Leo is reading the book "She is imagining" by Juan José Mirias and pencils some sentence.
The phone rang, and Leo put down his book, took a sip of whiskey, and picked up the receiver on the desk. She thought it was Paco's call.
Angel: Hello! I am Angel.
Leo: Which Angel?
Angel: Angel of El Pais. I'm sorry, I have to call you before dawn...I read two of your essays and one novel, which I think
are wonderful...Leo: (confused): You mean Do you like these works?
Angel: I like it very much.
Leo: You're not making fun of me, are you?
Leo took another sip of wine.
Angel: Me?
Leo: Have you been drinking? (takes a sip of whiskey)
Angel: Yes, but I tell the truth when I drink. Hurry up and find a pseudonym, because I'm publishing Pain and Life in the next supplement. may i call you you?
Leo was so excited that he could not speak.
Leo: All right, all right... just call me you...
Angel: I like the title Pain and Life.
Leo: It's a part of the song "Snowball"...
Angel: I know..."All that's left for me is pain and life, ah, love! You made me unable to live." No one could Combine Cuban sensibilities with Juna Barnes and they do have a lot in common...
Leo: Yes, that's exactly what I want to show.
Angel: Do you have a publishing house for your novels? I can help.
LEO (surprised): Because... in fact, I don't want to publish.
Angel: So why did you write it?
LEO (hesitantly) For fun...I like to write...I told you so.
Angel: Well, come see me and talk about your work...please forgive yesterday...I'm not a bad guy, but sometimes I'm stupid!
Both hung up.
Leo looks at the telephone with satisfaction. She needs to share this good news with people. She looked at her watch. It wasn't too late, but it was almost midnight. She took another sip of wine, fortified herself, and dialed her husband's number in Brussels. A lazy voice came from the phone.
Leo: Paco, it's me.
Paco (voice over): Leo, what time is it?
Leo: It's not too late.
Paco (voiceover, retorts): It's almost twelve! I'm sleeping... what's wrong?
Leo (hesitantly): I'm very happy, I want to share with you...I went to the El Pais to get a job.
Paco (voiceover): Have you been drinking?
Leo: No, why?
Leo looked remorseful and looked at the wine glass.
Paco (voice-over): You're still so excited at this point.
Leo was depressed. Paco's reaction made her no longer happy.
Leo (eyes wet): It's never too late in Madrid...
Paco (voiceover): It's never too late in Madrid, but we're in Brussels.
Leo (dazedly): Well, I'll call you tomorrow to tell you...
Paco (voiceover, feels Leo's tone change): Are you okay?
Leo: Yes, I'm fine dear... kiss you and see you tomorrow... I'll tell you tomorrow.
Paco (voice-over, unhappy): If it's really important... (yawning voice).
LEO (depressed) No, see you tomorrow, dear. Forgive me for waking you up...
Paco (Voiceover): Good night.
Leo hung up the phone in disappointment.
32. On Leo's desk · INT · DAY The
telephone is still in its place on the desk, but it's the next day. Leo dialed Paco's number in Brussels again, and after a while, a French speaker answered.
Leo: Is Colonel Francisco here?
The other party (voiceover): He is not here, who are you?
Leo: I'm his wife, calling from Madrid. Please tell him so he can call me back.
Leo hung up, this time in a lower mood.
33. Dream Press warehouse · exterior · daytime
factory area, reminiscent of Tribeca in New York. There are many garages and warehouses, but it shows the scene of industrial depression. A truck was parked on the sidewalk in front of the warehouse of Dream Publishing House. The back door of the truck was open, and it was unloading. Inside the publishing house was a huge warehouse full of books.
On the pavement on the other side of the road, staff from Induico Enterprises, an enterprise affiliated with the "British Company", were constantly passing by.
Carts full of books, consisting of several layers of metal shelves, were parked on the sidewalk. Leo came down the sidewalk. She walked to the warehouse door, where Alicia was giving instructions to the truck driver. She saw Leo and greeted her. Alicia is about 40 to 50 years old, and she is not very good-looking (she can be the production director, female secretary, or female housekeeper. She can also be a housewife).
Alicia: Oh, Leo, you finally showed up!
34. Dream Publishing House, Interior Scene, Daytime
Leo greeted Alicia, and a cart with a metal shelf full of books was parked at the entrance to the library door. Leo and Alicia entered the door of the publishing house's warehouse. Alicia quickly took down a book from the top shelf of the shelf and handed it to Leo. This was the "Amanda Grace Collection" that Leo was familiar with, and it was the same book she was in the "National" office. The book that Hull introduced to her.
Alicia: Look, the second edition is out!
Leo nodded in agreement.
Alicia: I thought you'd never come...
Leo: I'm too busy...
They're walking through the shelves of colorful books. Some shelves go all the way to the ceiling. In addition to being the office of Dream Publishing House, it is also a warehouse for storing books, which are then put into distribution after they are released from the library. There are various publications, including textbooks, narrative books, and so on. Books are stacked in an orderly manner on shelves in the house. The inside of the warehouse is like an "underground city" built by "skyscrapers" composed of books and garbage packaging boxes.
Leo and Alicia walked through the narrow passage to the office.
Leo: Did you get the book I sent you last week?
Alicia (seriously): Yes, of course we did.
Leo: So?
Alicia: Leo, you're not sending a novel written by Amanda Grace, why are you changing the style?
They continued to walk, unable to hear their conversation. After being praised by Angel, Leo expects a positive affirmation from Alicia.
Leo: I think, I'm changing...
Alicia: Why?
LEO (interrupting her sarcastically): Maybe because I'm alive...
Alicia: I mean, why change the style when it's selling so well? (without waiting for Leo to answer) Leo, don't forget, our anthology is called "Innocent Love." How can you describe in a new novel that a daughter killed her father after being raped by her father, and when the mother found out, she hid the body in the cold storage of the restaurant next door to prevent others from discovering the crime of her daughter? ?
Leo: Destruction is not easy. The important thing is that the mother must save her daughter. Wouldn't you go through fire and water to save your child?
Int.Daytime They came to the door of Alicia's office and walked in. It's a big, dirty office. There are posters on the walls, among them posters of Amanda Grace's writings. The illustrations borrow the aesthetics of the TV series. In addition to the two large writing desks, there were several small tables with coffee pots and books everywhere.
Alicia softly greeted Thomas, who looked rather shady, alcoholic, and a very unremarkable person. Alicia walked to her desk, Leo followed. Thomas poured a glass of wine and looked at them. Someone was smoking a pipe, and a cloud of smoke filled the room.
Alicia (pours a glass): We're not talking about children, we're talking about novels. Children take away our lives, and novels give hope to our lives... When a reader buys a novel from us, he just wants to forget the burdens of life... imagine a better world, even though he knows This is fake. Who wants to imagine the walking dead who live in the ghetto, lose their jobs or retire early?
She picked up the novel "Refrigerator" from the desk, which was exactly the same as the one Leo gave Angel in the office of El Pais.
Alicia: Who wants to see that the heroine is a cleaner in a hospital, her mother-in-law is a drug addict, and her son is gay, and they still like this kind of plot of black people?
She put Refrigerator back on the table again.
Alicia: Leo, are you crazy?
Leo: Maybe, but that's the reality.
Alicia: Reality! There are quite a few realities in each of our families! Reality is published by newspapers and broadcast by TV... You see the results, the country is about to explode because of reading and seeing so much reality! Reality should be banned!
Thomas: Alicia, relax, your son is on drugs, no one else is responsible...
Alicia (to Thomas): Whatever! (To Leo) Exactly, I want to ask you, one day you gave my son 5000 pesetas, is that the case?
Leo: Me? I don't know your son...
Alicia: He said he knew you. That's what he said...I guess he stole the money...(explaining) Can't trust him! But he swears that he ran into you on the street and you asked him to help you take off your boots...he made up a story! Just driving me crazy!
Leo: Is that young man your son? It was indeed the money I gave him...
Alicia: Really? It 's so's unbelievable...
Alicia gets upset when she mentions her son. The two women's brief silence was interrupted by Thomas.
Thomas: Let's get down to business... If you're talking about drugs, forget about anything else.
Alicia (in a trance): Yes, of course.
Thomas: Leo, we signed you to write a love story...
Leo (not trying to convince him, nor self-justify): There's also great love in the new novel...
Alicia: Where? Why didn't I see...
Leo (in a bad mood): The restaurant owner part was that he couldn't forget his ex-wife, even though they were separated.
Alicia (indignantly angry): The one who decided to hire a killer to kill her mother-in-law? Because he thought, that way his ex-wife would come to the funeral, he would be able to see her and talk to her, and he was sure that his ex-wife would come back to him, is that the one?
Leo: Yes, that's the one...
Alicia: Do you think the most effective way to meet a woman is to kill her mother?
Leo: You think it's fiction, but I'm writing it based on real things, and it happened in Puerto Rico.
Alicia: You are making fun of me!
LEO (with a heavy heart): No, I'm sorry you didn't like my new novel.
She stood up, ready to leave. Thomas' words stopped her.
Thomas: Please wait, we have a problem, Leo.
Leo looked at him indifferently.
Thomas: According to the contract, you will give us 5 romance novels per year for 3 years. (reads a contract clause) I want a deluxe romance novel. World scenery...sexual associations...just associations...winter sports, sunshine, big cities, ministers, no politics, no social can write about bastards...but the ending must be happy, etc. (reciting a contract)
Leo stood looking at him blankly.
Alicia: It is also specified in the contract that you get paid millions in advance. And your conditions are (angrily): We can't use your real name, don't reveal your situation, don't publish any photos of you, don't give interviews to reporters... We have tolerated everything and have strictly honored you so far. conditions of.
Thomas: But you defaulted, and that's the problem.
Thomas said it coldly and clearly. Leo, still standing still, explained: "The problem is the color.
Thomas: Leo, let's make it clear, don't play deep with me.
Leo: I won't write romance novels anymore, it's written in black, I try, but every page is blacker.
Alicia: Nonsense! You've been writing romance novels for 20 years, you can't forget them overnight.
Leo: The world can be changed in one night... I'm gone.
Alicia: Can you try harder before Thomas sue you for breach of contract? You think about your villa, your independent life, your trips to the Caribbean, the collagen you use, your family, your incognito life...
LEO (angrily): Goodbye, Alicia !
She stepped forward.
THOMAS (threateningly): You don't try to trick us, Leo.
Leo: Pit you? I just want to be honest with myself, even though the contract doesn't require it.
Thomas: Go to your lawyer...he'll tell you where you're at...
Leo is gone. Alicia yelled at her.
Alicia: Leo, you can't just leave! If Thomas sues you, then everyone will know you are Amanda Grace! (to himself) Even though the second edition of the anthology isn't a bad thing...good stuff for a scandal...everyone will know who she is and who her husband is...(looking at Thomas) You should sue him, Thomas!
Leo disappeared around the corner of the warehouse.
At the door, Leo walked past a cart full of her writings. Her first collection of essays. A close-up of a book ends the scene. Then the keyboard of the typewriter was heard.
36. Leo's House·Writing Desk·Interior·In the afternoon
The sound of the keyboard of the typewriter gradually faded, and the voice-over of Leo's reading the articles he wrote grew a little bit louder.
Leo sat in front of the typewriter, the afternoon sun in Madrid flooded the desk. On the messy table, next to the typewriter, a glass of whiskey stands out, inseparable from the damp ashtray. The title of Leo's article is "An Anthology of Spiritual Journeys."
VOICE OVER: The only thing I know about Amanda Grace is that she's incognito, and he's never dared to reveal who he really is during his 20-year reign. Luckily he didn't show off, which may be respectable over time. However, little is known about his writing methods. I don't know if he wrote it by hand or on a typewriter. Famous author Truman Capote divided writers into writers and typists. We don't even know if Amanda Gr
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