If the main dish is outstanding, please don't say that the leaves used for color matching are not fresh

Justice 2022-03-25 09:01:10

This movie, which focuses on "burning", was unfortunately misunderstood in the comments, so that passers-by I felt quite angry and felt the need to write something.
Any story is a story about how the protagonist faces a difficult situation, and the story line in this film is that the troubled two-Michelin-starred chef escapes his predicament and comes back to life. In the process, he gets help and also from the mistakes of the past. learned a lesson. Because of such an experience, his own problems have been solved, and he has also gained inspiration and courage to continue living.
After reading the previous reviews that gave this movie bad reviews, it was nothing more than I felt that the hero was too lucky, and when he was sleepy, he would have a duck down pillow, and if he wanted to eat seafood, someone would send shrimp. Not to mention the motivation and opportunity that any story needs to go on, there is actually no problem with the rationality of letting the story go on.
At the beginning, the male protagonist casually pieced together a "dream team" to help him counterattack like a piece of junk. Not to mention the need for a tight film language, the film has already made a very detailed explanation, and later The reversal of the black chef makes this part have a dual function, which is actually a very clever arrangement.
Why the supporting characters and heroines in the story are fans of the male lead, I think the film itself has fully explained it. The chef of another restaurant who later killed the male protagonist has actually given the answer - the male protagonist is the genius who will bring changes to the business, and he will guide everyone in the direction. Isn't it his duty to protect such a genius for anyone who cherishes his profession? The greatest wisdom of a person is not only being able to see the advantages of others, but also being honest with himself, so in terms of realm, the male protagonist's "dead enemy" is actually one level higher than the male protagonist.
But from a deeper level, why Chinese audiences are less able to see this movie as good, I think there are two main reasons: First, this country fundamentally lacks the soil for idealistic survival, and most people just want to survive And to survive, this even includes the rich generation and the second generation who are rich in billions of dollars. However, in a society where pragmatism and utilitarianism prevail, they cannot see the ideal value; secondly, the rampant cottage culture also makes people not Knowing how to respect genius and creativity, I think that everything can be copied and imitated. To put it aside, I despise this Chinese-style industrial model represented by Hammer Technology.
I seem to say too much, but that's it.

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Burnt quotes

  • Adam Jones: If it's not perfect, you throw it away... regardless of time.

  • Reece: You're better than me. But the rest of us need you to lead us to places we wouldn't otherwise go.