Passionate Chef - Friends who like Europe should not miss it!

Isobel 2022-03-25 09:01:10

A good movie doesn't just require a lot of investment and production, the essence of the movie is storytelling (although it's not very professional, but it's well said). The protagonist Bradley Cooper, he is the fourth richest actor in the world.
The film tells the story of Adam Jones, the two-star chef of the Michelin restaurant, who ruined his future because of his wanderings. After being released from prison, he returned to London after ascetic practice and returned to London to find a group of young people. The chef, with the support of Jean Luke's restaurateur, renovated and opened an unprecedented super restaurant, and what happened in the process.
Watching this film will give you an idea of ​​the top luxury restaurants in Europe. Top-level restaurants have almost reached a very demanding level on the details of the food. And Jones, with his perfectionist personality, has a talent for food that makes him confident. But to get the three-star rating, that is, the top evaluation, it is necessary to test Jones' team leadership ability and his own moral test. A top chef cannot rely on technology alone. At the beginning of the film, a black chef that Jones found gave Jones a big blow. Fortunately, the guests that time were not Michelin experts. In the end, the reinvigorated Jones earned a three-star Michelin rating thanks to his teamwork.
The compact plot allows you to watch it all at once, hearty. This film's interpretation of Western food can be compared to "A Bite of China". Don't miss it if you like food!

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Burnt quotes

  • Adam Jones: If it's not perfect, you throw it away... regardless of time.

  • Reece: You're better than me. But the rest of us need you to lead us to places we wouldn't otherwise go.