To be famous for a lifetime or an ordinary life, she didn't want to do this multiple-choice question from the beginning.

Timmy 2022-09-16 22:51:31

The last movie of 2015 was the documentary "AMY". It's no exaggeration to say that every minute of the 120-minute movie made me sad.
In the film, Amy's agent said when recalling Amy's first accident, "I think it was at that moment that we lost a very important opportunity. I'm not saying that it will be useful. Generally, you have to go two or three times. , but she wasn't a star at the time and wasn't being chased by the paparazzi, we could just let "Back to Black" roll away, and the song "Back to Black" might never come out, but then she could have An opportunity for professionals to help her get better, instead of waiting until the whole world wants to take advantage of her."
However, if there is no life that is struggling in hell, it is better to die, and there is no heart-wrenching feeling that would rather self-destruct Experience, without letting himself rot in the black hole behind him, Amy couldn't have created this song in two or three hours in the studio. The success of "Back to Black" is far beyond her own imagination. When the Grammys announced the award, her eyes were full of incredible shock at that moment. With "Back to Black", Amy became the biggest winner of that Grammy, winning five awards: Record of the Year, Song of the Year, Best New Artist, Best Female Pop Vocal Artist, and Best Pop Vocal Album. Becoming the first British singer to win five Grammy Awards, no wonder she finally said after thanking everyone, It's for London.
Amy's work is all about her life, and she also unreservedly put all of her Feelings are poured into the works. In the eyes of many people, it is inevitable that she will open all the wounds for everyone to see. When she decided to write her own song, she said: "I think in my childhood, the music on the pop charts, the so-called songs released at that time, I don't think this is music, it's all parallel imports and garbage, others help you The songs are all written, you just need to sing, and some music is like that now. I started writing songs just to challenge myself to see if I could write it...I don't think I could really express what I heard back then. Music for myself or my feelings, so I just started writing songs, writing my own stuff, based on my personal life experiences."
The song written with painful experience also tore her over and over again when she sang, which led her to refuse to sing the song when she was forced by her father on the stage of the tour. The band continued to play the background music, and the audience cheered to boos. She stumbled on the stage, at a loss, her back was thin and helpless.
This song exhausted all her breath little by little. She wrote this song with her life, but now, the Back to Black of ten and one hundred songs can't be replaced by Amy Winehouse.
Every time at this time, I will think of the question that I have always been confused about. A great artist would rather be dragged into the splendid fireworks of art, or spend his life safely at the last moment, but have to suffer all his life. Mediocrity and fame and fortune?
Last year's "Blast Story", which was hailed as the best movie of the year by many people, expounded an extreme concept: be the greatest, or nothing. The male protagonist made a deafening cry at the dinner table: "I would rather take drugs Medicine died at the age of 30 and became a topic of discussion on everyone's dinner table, and don't live to be 90 years old and be unknown." This violent struggle story directly poured blood into Hollywood's chicken soup inspirational, straightforward and straightforward. Let me tell you that only extreme pain can be exchanged for extreme success. If you want greatness, you can exchange your life for it.
Maybe on the road to greatness, there are no flowers, angry horses and flames, only a battlefield of slaughter, which will be abandoned if you are not careful.
I once discussed with a senior honor fan, maybe I was a little paranoid at the beginning, I think my brother loved the glory on the stage, enjoyed the cheers and the feeling of love from the audience, and he was also persistent in putting himself unreservedly. into the maelstrom of art. But I can't help but think, if he didn't come back, would he be able to spend his whole life in Canada? Without the brilliance of the reckless efforts behind, is it still Leslie Cheung who is still alive in this world? I kept asking her what the answer was, and she suddenly burst into tears, "But he never used his life to verify a thing."
I remember that in an American drama "The Undead Forensic Doctor" I once watched, the female sculptor Henry knew, found that she could only complete her works by constantly taking drugs. She chose to bet all her physical strength and inspiration, infinite She overdrawn the potential of life, and finally the masterpiece was completed, and she also lay beside the sculpture and never woke up. Indeed, at some point in our lives we have to ask ourselves, how much are we willing to give to get what we want? How much risk are we willing to take, to sacrifice, to endure? Are we willing to risk everything, including this life?
In this world, if there is no genius stirring, it would be so boring. A considerable number of genius stories have the feat of blowing up fireworks in the entire history of their short lives. It can even be said that without this day, there is no jealousy of talents and years. The condiments of premature death will be much more boring, and the world's regrets will be less.
No one denies Amy's talent. This talent is so dazzling that she was prematurely sent to the status that others aspired to. However, these talents have become the nightmare of her life. At the end of the film, her friend recalls what Amy said to him, "If I don't want this talent, as long as I can walk down that street, carefree, I'll do it." The powerlessness in it, completely More than I could imagine. When I think of her efforts to quit drugs, to want to sing and to live, I feel extremely uncomfortable. She always emphasizes to others, "I am not a singer, I am a jazz singer." I can only understand that she does not want to be a famous big star, she is numb in the flash and fearful in the crowd, She just wanted to be a quiet singer who could walk in the sunshine on the street like an ordinary person, with music and love, but unfortunately in this era, she couldn't give her these after all.

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Amy quotes

  • Tony Bennett: If she had lived, I would have said:. slow down; you're too important... Life teaches you, really how to live it... if you could live long enough...

  • Amy Winehouse: Jules, this is so boring without drugs.