I want to cook!

Anissa 2022-03-24 09:02:07

High IQ + high EQ = success?

I myself like food very much, and I disdain the things in the place where I live now, so I have to look for food in this movie to stimulate my vision and taste in fantasy.

I admire American movies very much. Even if the plot is not very good, their shooting techniques and scene layout are so detailed and appropriate, and I don’t like some TV dramas and movies. The family has lived in the house for more than ten years, but the house is still new. It's not logical at all, I'd rather have less coffee to do the details well.

And the male lead, I think, is like Gordon Ramsay, with a blunt and hot temperament that people avoid and respect. He is at the top of his culinary skills, but being a human being is a piece of shit, scolding his companions like a broken machine, and likes to be alone. Fortunately, after making a mistake, he will punish himself to think about his own mistakes. I don't know what the concept of opening 1,000,000 oysters is. Fortunately, he can maintain confidence and resentment,

but often too much thinking about having will make you lose more and lose more. Perseverance is the shadow of success, and getting rid of the shadow to become success is a relaxed and relaxed state of mind.

It may be that things are similar, and next to the popular male protagonist, there is a more popular female protagonist to contain him, change him, let him gradually improve his emotional intelligence, and the closer he is to success.

It's all a process, learn something - study - persevere - relax calmly - succeed.

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Burnt quotes

  • Adam Jones: If it's not perfect, you throw it away... regardless of time.

  • Reece: You're better than me. But the rest of us need you to lead us to places we wouldn't otherwise go.