About "There will be blood"

Grady 2021-10-13 13:05:35

"Rainy day (There will be blood)" (official website HTTP: // www.paramountvantage.com/blood/ ) in translation and "There Will Be Blood," "There Will Be Blood," "There Will Be Blood" and so on, but I This is called "Preparing for a Rainy Day" first. This film is based on Upton Sinclair's novel "Oil!", directed by Paul Thomas Anderson and starring Daniel Day Lewis. There is no doubt that this is a great movie.

In addition to the greatness of this film, I am here to talk about the following topics. The title of the film

There will be blood is
derived from "Bible Exodus" Chapter 7: 19, when the Egyptian king Paramsey disagreed with Moses letting go of the Hebrews, God sent ten plagues to punish the Egyptians. Among them One is to turn all water into blood. In the film, it seems that every drop of oil also hints at a disaster, turning into blood. Of course, the meaning of the Bible and the plot of the movie are not very meaningful, just watch the movie directly from the literal meaning of there will be blood.

Bloody capitalism.
It is easy for us to think of the sentence in the middle school political textbook from the story of "Preparing for a Rainy Day", "When capital comes to the world, every pore is bleeding and dirty." Plainview, the protagonist of the movie, has become the spokesperson of the will of capital. His industry is getting bigger and stronger day by day, but there are always people injured and dying in the process. Whenever the industry moves up to a new, brand-new stage, blood flows out. , Just like the blood of the animal on the ceremony of sacrifice, as if only this kind of blood can satisfy this behemoth-like capital. The background music of the movie always renders the low atmosphere when the business is booming, and it also indicates the blood that will be spilled. Of course, the blood is not sorrow, but the oil industry is booming again.

The capital here is always expanding. Daniel Plainview discovered a new oil field and immediately rushed up and obtained the right to drill and mine this piece of land. Then he extracted the oil from the land next to it from the ground.

In the Power Struggle
movie, there is a Third Revelation Church that hates each other in principle and uses each other in action. The pastor there is Eli Sunday who originally sold the land of the oil field to Plainview. This church has a devout following, and it also has a ritual like the ritual of witchcraft (that is, like a great god), and this small church in the western wilderness also has the ambition of expansion like the drilling of Plainview. The church and oil are competing for power. This is a kind of power that permeates every corner of individual and social life, or, more similar to a combination of actual power and power of discourse. This struggle flows under the glory of Christ's revelation. The struggle between oil and the revelation of Christ that gushes in the oil. This kind of power expansion is to make the pursuit of oneself the most legitimate thing.

Of course, Eli Sunday, who represents the lecture hall, and Daniel Plainview, who represents oil, are not a direct fight to tear their faces, but use each other. Both church and capital want to override each other and rule the “ignorant masses”. The lecture hall is for capital to convince the masses to betray. Mining rights, capital to build new churches for the church. But the church and the capital always hope that the other party will surrender completely. So there is the scene of letting Plainview join the church. At the end, Plainview asked Eli to shout out "I am a false prophet, and God is a superstition". Of course, the final representative With the will of capital, Plainview used the blood of church priest Eli to complete the final sacrifice of full power. There are several blood

rituals in the
film of blood rituals. Each ritual symbolizes that the oil capital represented by Plainview has grown again. It is also an extremely impactful expression of a new force that has seized powerful power. This kind of ritual is just like the great Han emperor's enshrinement of Mount Tai and the Indian king holding a horse sacrifice. In modern countries, every Daqing military parade, or the worship of the kitchen god by rural families in the New Year, it’s just that such a ritual must be done with blood every time. , There will be blood, just telling everyone at the beginning of the sacrifice that the brutal and bloody conditions required for the completion of the sacrifice are just like Carthage sacrificed to the sun with the heart of a living person.

In "There will be blood" there is also the ceremony of the Third Apocalypse directed by Eli Sunday. If the ceremony can help establish the order of power, then Eli's ceremony may be what confronts Daniel Plainview's ceremony, of course, this is also , And use the blood of Jesus to cleanse the souls of those who join.

Family and brothers
Daniel Plainview always took his adopted son HW Plainview with him at the beginning. He said: "I am a family man, I run
the family business... This is my son and my partner HW Plainview." Although behind When the father and son broke, Daniel Plainview said he couldn’t. HW picked him up and decorated him from an outright “oil man” into a “family man”, but the movie seems to tell us that HW has indeed been balancing Daniel Plainview’s heart until the desire for oil and The will of capital completely occupied him.

Another character is outside of Daniel Plainview's initial success, a person pretending to be his half-brother to defect to him. Daniel Plainview confided a lot to his brother, but when he was a fake, he killed him resolutely.

The third revelation
"Revelation" is a chapter that predicts the future with a story. At the end of the movie, Daniel Plainview faced Eli Sunday of the embarrassed Third Revelation Church and shouted "I am the third revelation!", maybe he His experience, his "personal epic", is exactly the journey of a practitioner of capitalism in the 20th century, and it is also the "epic" of many multinational corporations that have created many modern skyscrapers. Plainview's third revelation is precisely this era. Prophecy of capital expansion.

Perhaps these are not the only predictions. In the new world, information is like a resource like oil, and data has become a new mine. IT has driven the largest industrial chain. PC, .com and web 2.0 may be the three explorations. At the climax of the mineral deposits, every search of Google and Baidu is completing its own expansion, and the new epic is also completing its ceremonies again and again with the index represented by Nasdaq, but I don’t know whether there will be blood.

From: http://www.socrates.net.cn/2008/02/there-will-be-blood.html

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There Will Be Blood quotes

  • Henry Brands: I'm your brother... from another mother.

  • Gene Blaize: You boys are a regular family business.