
Edmund 2022-03-25 09:01:07

It was so wonderful. The early works of the old man are really good, especially the Muse period of Diane Keaton. Manhattan and Anne Hall, favorites. Manhattan in black and white is still so beautiful. They walk the dog and talk on the bench to see the first rays of morning light in New York. He and Tracy do a wagon ride around Central Park at night. The things that give you a meaningful life. The last item, Tracy's face. Hmm, something's not quite right, a bit of Friends. Ross's jumpy looks just like the blond Carol. Please tell me I'm not alone! !

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Manhattan quotes

  • Isaac Davis: It's an interesting group of people, your friends are.

    Mary Wilke: I know.

    Isaac Davis: Like the cast of a Fellini movie.

  • Mary Wilke: I'm honest, whaddya want? I say what's on my mind and, if you can't take it, well then fuck off!

    Isaac Davis: And I like the way you express yourself too, y'know, it's pithy yet degenerate. You get many dates?