
Santina 2022-03-24 09:03:27

At the beginning of the film, it is almost like a dialogue with people, as cold as this cancer patient, she accepts her illness with little surprise. She's in therapy, the only wave in the first half of the movie is facing her former student, it's embarrassing to give her a pelvic exam, she feels ashamed, the only mood swing in the first half I think is for the protagonist, the protagonist is A confident and strict professor, like an old professor, but a little younger "old professor". As for her memories, her first memory was mainly from the professor who studied and studied John Donne before her. The professor taught her a severe lesson, but she listened carefully and saw that she respected her professor. In my opinion, she also Became the same professor as she did, and maybe everyone who studies Donne does. In the first half of the memory, we can see that she loves her class. She often appears in the class that is similar to hallucinations. Until one time, she couldn't come out. Nurse, a very good and warm nurse to her, very important and very important Nurse. Come to wake her up and ask her to do a medical examination, she refused excitedly. In the end, the unrequited one went, and the inspector had to rest, (speechless). In the second half, she was in pain, she was actually in pain, what are you feeling today. When she heard the most emotionless sentence at the end, she always answered i am fine. Whenever. That nurse made me feel like her only mainstay in the hospital, comfort. The most important thing is that the stern professor who taught her in the past came, came to see her, asked him how you were feeling, she cried and said she was in pain, she cried for the first time for a character like grandma. The teacher asked her if she wanted to listen to Donne's poems and she said no with a cry, the only place where I laughed, I thought it was cute. Until she was sound asleep, the professor kissed her and left, I wanted to say not to leave on her behalf. She left and I didn't feel like that was bad, relief. The nurse stopped the rescue, obeyed her request, and respectfully let her go.

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Wit quotes

  • Vivian Bearing: After all, brevity is the soul of wit.

  • Vivian Bearing: I trust this will have a soporific effect.

    Susie Monahan: I don't know about that, but it sure does make you sleepy.

    Vivian Bearing: [laughing]

    Susie Monahan: What's so funny? What? What?

    Vivian Bearing: [laughing] Soporific means "makes you sleepy".