Eight Ozaki

Haylee 2022-03-25 09:01:13

Generally speaking, the plot is weak and the story is not strong enough, but the outstanding action scenes are the coolest of the year, none of them, including Fast 7. Especially the part of the wingsuit flight should be the first time in history that it was shot so well.
The eight items of Ozaki are impressive, as follows:
1. EMERGING FORCE (kayak slalom)
2. BIRTH OF SKY (Parachuting on Mount Everest and high-altitude motorcycle parachuting)
3. AWAKENING EARTH Awakening (Parachuting from Swallow Cave in the Mexican Jungle)
4. LIFE OF WATER (100-foot extreme surfing)
5. LIFE OF WIND (winged flight in the Alps)
6. LIFE OF ICE Alpine downhill skiing)
7. MASTER OF SIX LIVES (Venezuela Angel Falls, the world's first waterfall, 3000-foot free-hand rock climbing)
8. ACE OF ULTIMATE TRUST (Venezuela Angel Falls, high-altitude diving) For the

above content: Sina Weibo of "Killer True Color" http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_64e84ff50102wfxc.html

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