Interpretation of the flying hologram of the wing suit of <Extreme Thief>

Gia 2022-03-25 09:01:13

Holographic Interpretation of the Wings of the Extreme Thief
Just be a bird, not only look like a bird.

After watching ,
you said that they are definitely mentally ill.
Who said that we live a normal life every day and not have a mental illness?

Some people just want to live in probability, and
they become molecules when they succeed. Just
go to challenge the next probability, and
if you fail, you will die happily.

Among the 8 extreme projects in the film, wingsuit flight caught my eye tightly and made me replay the camera over and over again, hoping to experience that state of mind more truly. At that time, I was very curious about how to shoot, but I had a small worry in my heart—could it be computer effects?

Extreme thieves are dedicated!

The whole process is real shooting without computer special effects. When shooting the pictures of wingsuit flight, due to the changing mountain climate, such as flying in unsuitable weather conditions, it will not only affect the picture effect, but also affect the actor's personal life. security poses a threat. During the filming, the crew listened to the advice of the weather forecaster and the wingsuit flight consultant. After many drills, they flew more than 60 times in two weeks, and then they passed the wonderful scene of the canyon with the array combination that the crew wanted. recorded.

The long canyons in the Wallenstadt region of Switzerland are a great challenge to flying skills. The world's top professional wingsuit athlete, Jonathan Frederick, is in charge of aerial photography. He and 4 athletes jumped into the valley, not only keeping the same speed as the person being photographed during the flight, but also using the camera to record the magnificent flight. Jonathan Frederick used "mission impossible" to describe the shooting of the wingsuit scene, and exclaimed: "It's so spectacular, it's unimaginable that the 5 of us travel through a very narrow valley at the same time!"

In order to achieve the first visual effect , the stuntman was strapped with cameras all over his body, with a sight on his left eye, which is the center of the array, and a calibrator on his head below.

Wingsuit flying is relatively unfamiliar to Chinese people. After all, there are only more than 600 professionals in the world. Thanks to the thieves for letting us experience the magic of wingsuit flying, I will unveil the mystery of wingsuit flying for you!

trace history
In fact, the wing suit was tried to be made by a 33-year-old tailor named Franz Reichelt as early as 1912. At that time, he was talking about the combination of parachute and wings, which is the originator of the current wing suit. Unfortunately, it was a test at the Eiffel Tower at that time. The pretense failed, and he didn't fly successfully, but hit the ground with his head down. Whether it was what he claimed at the time, what he did was being possessed by a ghost, but there was no doubt that he let the world Understand that human beings can Just be a bird, not only look like a bird.

Afterwards, many followers made and tested them one after another. During the process, they experienced trial and error: some failed to make the clothing too heavy for sturdiness; The inability to reduce the flight speed and the difficulty in flying smoothly resulted in failure.

However, human intelligence has no limit. In 1999, Jari Kuosma of Finland and Robert Pecnik of Slovenia made only a relatively safe and easy-to-master wingsuit for all flight enthusiasts. They established Bird-Man. For mass production of wing suits, the current basic design of wing suits must reach a sliding ratio of 2.5:1, that is to say, for every one meter drop, it can glide forward by 2.5 meters, and this ratio can meet the flight requirements.

In fact, there are many operational factors in wingsuit flight: the shape of the trunk connection, the varicose amplitude of the shoulders, the movement of the hips and knees, and the adjustment of the downshot angle according to different wind directions and speeds. At the same time, the material tension of the wingsuit will also affect the flight effect. Of course, the strength of your own body is also important. Only with strength can you maintain the stability of the body and resist dizziness when sliding down. If the control is not good, it will spin uncontrollably.

The maximum vertical landing speed that a typical skydiver can withstand is 180-225 km/h, and wearing a wing suit can greatly slow down the landing speed. Wing suit flight can control the vertical landing speed at 40 km/h, however, With the body sliding forward, the overall speed will reach 100 km/h.

Flight training
Wingsuit flying is much more complicated than skydiving. According to the Skydiver Information Manual, the USPA (The United States Parachute Association) requires any wingsuit pilot to fly for at least a year and a half before flying. 200 free-fall parachuting, the second requires one-on-one training with experienced wingsuit pilots. Requirements are similar in other countries.
Wingsuit purchase
Wingsuit manufacturers need to provide training courses and certified instructors. At the same time, they need to set a minimum number of skydiving before selling wingsuits. Only when the standard is met, can wingsuit sales be conducted. The general price is around 200,000 RMB.

World Record
Wingsuit Flight Formation Record
In December 2009, California, 68 people flew together in a wingsuit.

Wingsuit flight record
Highest altitude: April 2012, Colombia, 11,358 meters, Colombia's Jhonathan Florez
Longest time: April 2012, Colombia, 9 minutes 6 seconds, Colombia's Jhonathan Florez Longest
distance: May 2012, Best landing at Shin Ito, USA, 28.71 km, Japan
: May 2012, UK, Gary Connery, UK, landing safely without a parachute.

Finally, the category of extreme sports is attached.

Not mediocrity gives us the power to live wonderfully.

* This article is the original content of TELLER.
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