The old beauty of the parallel world really can't play Asia

Kaitlin 2022-11-09 17:59:05

I haven't read the original novel, everything is based on this drama as a starting point. Be careful with spoilers

. When I first heard about this show, I saw a poster of the Statue of Liberty wearing a Nazi swastika. The big screen in Times Square in New York is also a swastika. I was surprised and thought it would be a movie that explores the good and evil of human nature. Dramas of various political positions. But after watching it patiently, I felt so bored.

The novel was successful back then, probably because the subject matter of this kind of reality was relatively new, and the time of publication was very close to the time of victory. People watched the novel with lingering fears and imagined what would happen if they lost, and at the same time felt very self-conscious. Good thoughts: we beat those Nazis!

I don't know what the selling point of this show is. If it is an overhead parallel world, in fact, various American comics have already been involved. If it is to show people "what if history develops in the other direction", then the difference between the world in this show and the real world is not so shocking. At least for someone like me who has watched a lot of anti-Japanese spy war dramas

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Extended Reading

The Man in the High Castle quotes

  • Joe Blake: [noticing ashes falling like snowflakes] What is that?

    Nazi Police Officer: Oh, that's the hospital.

    Joe Blake: The hospital?

    Nazi Police Officer: Yeah, Tuesdays, they burn cripples, the terminally ill. Drag on the state.

  • Mark Sampson: I don't plan on dying, Frank. But you can't live your life in fear. I was back east at the end of the war, in Boston.

    Frank Frink: Oh, Jesus.

    Mark Sampson: Yeah. You had to see it to believe it, Frank. Overnight, lynch mobs were murdering Jews because suddenly we were less than human.

    Frank Frink: And what did you do?

    Mark Sampson: Well, those of us who came out in one piece. We buried service weapons underground, well wrapped in oil, and we vowed revenge. I got a life to lead, got kids to raise. And Hitler and the Nazis - I mean, I don't care how it looks. They won't last. One thing I realized about my people is we got a different sense of time. These may be dark years, but we'll survive. We always do.