Two days and one night is the longest time

Wilfrid 2022-03-26 09:01:09

When I watched it, I felt incomparably peaceful in my heart, so I waited for the plot to develop a little bit, and the heroine encountered puddles and bridges. We always need some courage to do something worthwhile. These courages may be impulsive, a first taste of success, and the company of those around you. These courages can be stumbled by ups and downs, and they may also be bestowed on others. In the past, I have never been able to understand that it doesn't matter if we fail after hard work. Everything we do is not for a result. In fact, what we fear is not failure, but regret.

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Two Days, One Night quotes

  • [last lines]

    Sandra: Manu? Are you there? We put up a good fight. I'm happy. Me too.

  • Yvon: You can count on me on Monday.