All Is Lost--Everything Is Lost, God Gives You Back

Kristina 2022-07-22 11:38:38

This is a film similar to a young Pi. There is only one star in the film, Robert Redford. There is no fantasy, only reality. Although it did not win the final award, it was nominated for both the Academy and the Golden Globe Awards. Everything is lost. All Is Lost begins with calm seas. 1700 nautical miles from Sumatra.

"July 13th, 4:50 pm. Sorry, I know there's no point in saying anything at this moment. But sorry, I tried my best, and I think you'll agree with that. I tried my best to be who I am and be strong. Be kind to your loved ones, have love, stick to the truth. But I didn't do it. I know you know this. I'm sorry. Everything is lost; only soul and body, and half a day's ration. I know I'm unforgivable, and I too don't know why it took me so long to admit it, but it's what it is. I fought to the end, and I'm not sure if it was worth it, but I tried my best and I've always had hope. I'm going to miss you guys. Sorry. " The only monologue in the film is words in the words. He should play a single old man who may have divorced his wife or has died; he may be an old playboy who is tired of fireworks; he may be unsatisfactory in the business field, or he may be a boring and withdrawn boss; he may be alienated from children, forcing them to live independently at an early age; he may enjoy solitude and escape from reality. A person is floating at sea, 1,700 nautical miles from Sumatra.

In fact, this monologue is more like a last word, because "I tried my best," but "I lost everything." The picture is from 8 days ago. The sound of rushing water in the cabin woke up the old man. It was a shipping container that was left in the sea and hit the old man's yacht. It is full of children's shoes made in China. There is Chinese on the box and the logo of HO WON, which means good luck. But the old man was not so lucky. Rafting begins immediately. The old man adjusted the sail so that the damaged side of the hull tilted upward, filled the hole, and drained the water. But all the circuits were broken, and all the communication equipment in the emergency box was soaked in salt water. After a lot of hard work, I had to drift in the sea, unable to contact anyone.

Lost contact The wind and waves came, the rain poured, the boat overturned several times, and the old man fell into the water twice. In desperation, the old man opened the life-saving valve and tied it to the stern to take refuge. Large ships are no match for wind and waves, but closed air rafts are more stable.

After several struggles, the big ship is already riddled with holes. After the weather calmed down, the old man returned to the water-filled cabin to get some life-saving supplies and food, as well as an optical locator. I reluctantly untied the rope. We lost the boat. The storm is coming again. The raft is seeping. The old man decided to determine the direction for himself and floated all the way north.

The bucket leaked, and there was no fresh water. They made a simple device that evaporates seawater with sunlight. Food is running out and patience is running out. On the way, two large ships passed by, and the old man sent a signal and shouted loudly. but passed by. I lost confidence Still drifting endlessly, even a fish caught was snatched by a shark. The old man picked up the pen, wrote down some words, and put it in the bottle. After hesitating, he threw it into the sea. This should be the opening monologue. The old man was full of remorse and kept saying sorry. This is the last word. lost hope of life. At night, a light appeared. The old man lit everything, hoping to attract that light, and finally the whole raft was set on fire.

The old man jumped into the water, looked at the burning raft, and finally closed his eyes and let himself fall. The raft was like a circle of fire in the shape of a garden, burning bright and sad at sea. All is lost. Getting deeper and deeper, the old man was about to sink into the deep, dark sea. The light is approaching; it is actually a ship! Search and rescue with lighting. At this moment, I waved my arms in front of the screen and said, "You open your eyes, open your eyes!" The old man almost lost himself at the last moment. but still smelled the light of life. The old man struggled to swim to the surface and grabbed a strong arm.

An interesting place. The moment the water finally came out, the picture was all white, like light. Then a black screen appears, and the film ends. At the end of the struggle, you will have tried everything and persisted to the limit. Only when everything is lost will God give you hope again. Everything is lost. The Legendary Sea In the whole movie, the most on display is the sea, so this movie's "good thing" recommends: The Legendary

Sea: Rosarito Mexico City's Baja Studio The great Titanic was born here at No. Rosarito, Mexico, faces the Pacific Ocean to the west and is famous for its 65 kilometers of uninterrupted first-class sandy beaches. There are countless strange rock protrusions along the coastline, which make people sigh. It is picturesque, and the climate is warm. But his legend is that James Cameron built a 40-acre filming studio on the beach in Rosarito, Baja Studio, and built a ship the size of the original "Iron Tower Nick." The setting is a ship, and this is the great love epic: "Titanic."

Rosarito is located in Baja California, Mexico, bordering California in the United States and close to San Diego in the United States. The Titanic crew built an artificial lake on the coast here, with a total area of 8.5 acres facing the sea. A scaled boat model is loaded onto the lake, where most of the water footage was shot. "Everything is Lost" also chose this studio with an excellent water shooting environment and finally presented a masterpiece about the philosophy of life. Some well-known films are also shot here, such as Johnny Depp's "Pirates of the Caribbean." The ocean does not have a constant shape, and every sea area in the world is unique. Through the film, we learn about Rosarito. Rosarito is not a tourist attraction that Chinese tourists flock to. There is no Chinese occupation everywhere. There are unfamiliar cultures, beautiful beaches, strange food, beautiful girls, and many imprints of movies in this world. So big, the flashy era that everyone wants to see. Maybe it will become your new destination. Returning to the original intention, through the film, I hope to dig out more things and enrich our barren spiritual world.

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All Is Lost quotes

  • [first lines]

    Title Card: 1700 nautical miles from the Sumatra Straits.

  • Our Man: This is The Virginia Jean with an SOS call, over.