Ang Lee's works

Keely 2022-03-25 09:01:10

Still love Ang Lee's work. Like comes from similarity. It is no wonder that Ang Lee is listed as an American A-category director or something. His works are indeed American works, and the thoughts, emotions, contradictions, and problems reflected are all from American society. It affects my resonance, and no experience can bring resonance. But it doesn't affect my love for this director.
Every time I look at his works, I will be a kind of comfort, telling myself: Well, there are still such a group of idealists in this world, sticking to their own trajectory, and integrating ideals and reality very well.
There is no need for a reason to like it. Who you are born determines what you are born to like, and there is no reason for this attraction other than "natural".
The emotional life of family and neighbors is the main line, reflecting the real problems that American families will encounter, and giving advice at the end.
There may be another reason for giving 5 stars because the director, I like this director very much.

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The Ice Storm quotes

  • [Stopping by his son's room, momentarily putting down his luggage]

    Jim Carver: Hey guys, I'm back!

    Mikey Carver: You were gone?

  • Wendy Hood: Are you watching this?

    Paul Hood: Watching what?

    Wendy Hood: Nixon, dufus, its incredible, he should be shot.

    Ben Hood: Hey. Drop the political assassination stuff please.

    Wendy Hood: He's a liar.