Pure spit, talk about the hackers in the play

Sammy 2022-08-20 11:34:29

To be honest, after only watching episode 4 of this show, I couldn't help but want to comment on the hackers in the show.
A dear friend in front has already explained the technology and equipment required to hijack a drone. So, as a programmer of ten years, I'm talking about hackers who can do everything.

1: Hacker organization boss: without any technical analysis and data analysis, just with the naked eye, in the seemingly decompiled software, the code that is almost indistinguishable and scrolls at a

speed , see the BUG, ​​isolate the Trojan program. All I can say is, big guy, you bull. I am a small programmer. When testing dozens of lines of programs, I have to use the debugging function of the compiler. To modify a

small bug in a program within 100 lines, I may have to test and adjust the program dozens of times to get it done. However, this still needs to be done in I am clear on the logical basis of the whole program, that is to say all the code is

written by myself. However, you don't need to look at the source code of the U-disk key, which is the top secret of the US military, to understand and know it very clearly. All the logic of the source code of the U-disk key, which is the top secret of the U.S. military

, seems to be written by yourself. And if you decipher the

source , you don't need to install any special software. It seems that the seemingly decompiled software running in all computers can decipher all the world's Program, just for any program, just

enter a password, and that password is also a password input box, password input box, brother. It's so versatile, it feels more awesome than Neo. Neo is awesome enough, and

there are firewall programs similar to him that are on par with him.
2: The heroine hacker: I was already crying and sad, and I had to make up to make it non-mainstream. When I started to show my face, I thought I was going to be beaten. Please, programmers have dark circles all day long, but that is naturally caused by

lack , not deliberately blacked out. I don’t know why a woman is often used as a hacker in American TV dramas. To be honest, women’s biological reasons are not suitable for being a hacker.

If you don't believe me, please go to the major companies to visit the team of programmers, there are several women. This bitch is equally arrogant

. It is easier to access the databases of various government departments and real-time monitoring systems than to access your own toilet. If you don't understand it, or if there are loopholes in communication according to the euphemism of the guy above, then I will tell you my own

personal case for you to analyze. A student majoring in data communication at Sichuan University. When he was in the third grade, he stayed in the Internet cafe for two days and two nights without leaving the Internet cafe. He studied a vulnerability in the firewall of the Southwest Airlines head office located in

Shuangliu , and only tried to crack it on the periphery. The first firewall procedure, an hour after he thought it was successful, two plainclothes took him away. It was not until two days later that the school leaders were brought

back, and the school leaders were told clearly that this is a talent that must be cultivated well, but do not go astray. Later, the classmate told everyone, don't say that the real intrusion into the government department's website

or server, even if it is tentative, tentative intrusion is a violation of criminal law, and this classmate thinks that the success is just a trap set by the alarm system. The department

monitored the Internet through the network, locked the IP, and directly called the monitoring of the Internet cafe. Even the number of the machine he was sitting on was clear. I don't know if what I said will be invited to drink tea, of course, everyone can think that I made up

. In fact, if you think about it in reverse, you can understand that you have all watched various fighting competitions. The athletes are all professional, right? Where are the folk masters? It is a novel that a scholar from an inexplicable mountain

can single out a group of masters from within.
3: A communications administrator in the intelligence department is also a top performer. Just by looking at the dozens of lines of decompiled data, which are not even code, he knows what it does, and he is very

sure that it is hijacking the United States . Top secret data Trojans. It turns out that those military secrets in the United States are so ordinary that anyone who comes here can decipher them. Omg, I decided to hack the data link of America's military

communications satellite, then hijack its nukes and attack its carrier fleet. It's cool to think about.
4: To borrow a sentence: If you can't control a city's traffic lights, you're embarrassed to call yourself a hacker. Obviously, the ability to control city lights has become the entry standard for measuring hackers

. However, I want to control all the lights on and off in our office building, and I don't know how many lines of code I have to write to make it work. Maybe I'm just a little toad lying at the bottom of the well, not

seeing the vast sky outside. But I would rather believe that I am definitely a little toad, and I do not want to believe that one day such a lunatic can really control the core military

secrets of a country, blow up trains, ships, planes, spaceships, etc.

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