
Kristofer 2022-03-25 09:01:18

littleboy is not bad, it has a sense of plot, it didn't make much sense at first, but the second news from his lost father was a climax. In fact, when I was watching it, I kept thinking that his father should come back in the end. , the ending of the movie is like this. Even if the second news, when the news of his father's death came, I was still vaguely looking forward to it, but his mother's acting skills were excellent, and when he knelt down and cried in despair, I really believed that the director might really be realistic. , especially the funeral. result. . In the end, it is still inevitable, but it is also successful. Again, the mom acting is great. When she cried, I really had a feeling of getting the news of the death of a lost relative, from hope to despair.

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Extended Reading

Little Boy quotes

  • Fr. Crispin: If we have faith the size of a mustard seed, we can move the mountain. If we can move a mountain, nothing will be impossible for us. Not even with ending this war... and having our love one back.

    Ben Eagle Narrator: [thinking of the magician he had seen] I already knew someone who could move a mountain. I wondered if the source of his powers was the mustard seed.

  • [first lines]

    Ben Eagle Narrator: [narrating] This is O'Hare, California. Back then it was nothing more than a sleepy fishing village, with a hill at the end of Main Street. Like you see in postcards. My story takes place on the home front, in the midst of World War II. That's me, the little fella.

    Photographer: [motioning to the youngest]

    Little Boy: Closer?

    Freddy Fox: [ribbing him] Stop causing trouble, you midget.

    Ben Eagle Narrator: Nobody in that town liked me much.

    Photographer: One, two, three.


    Ben Eagle Narrator: I was eight years old. But the story really starts the day I met my dad. My only friend. My partner.

    Nurse Barbara: He's a boy!

    James Busbee: Wow! He's so...

    Nurse Barbara: What? Little?

    James Busbee: Well, he'll grow. Right?