The TV series "No Country for Old Men" is the lowest evaluation of her.

Garfield 2022-12-18 22:49:47

The three protagonists, one is a middle-aged white police uncle whose wife has been raped and does not know who his son is. One is a female police officer who had personally killed a sexual harasser when she was young, her father was a similar spiritual mentor, two siblings went to prison, and two siblings committed suicide by drug addiction. There is also a veteran who has participated in the Montenegro plan and has war sequelae and is extremely disapproving of his gay identity. He has been relying on Viagra to pretend that he is heterosexual. In addition, a gangster boss who has been calculated step by step from the bottom is mixed in. Of course, such a plot setting will not be an ordinary setting, but it is still a little bit when I see that it is an ancient story about revenge. Surprisingly, this is the definition of the main drama. To say that she is the TV version of "No Country for Old Men" is not an exaggeration.

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Extended Reading

The Western Book of the Dead quotes

  • Ray Velcoro: I used to want to be an astronaut. But astronauts don't even go to the moon anymore.

  • Ray Velcoro: If you ever bully or hurt anybody again, I'll come back and butt fuck your father with your mom's headless corpse on this goddamn lawn.