The Beauty and Sadness of the American Dream

Paris 2022-09-06 11:23:01

All those who yearn for the "American Dream" may be disappointed after watching this movie, because this movie clearly tells you that the American Dream is not equal to everyone. Of course it doesn't mean anything to understand this truth. The profound thing about it is how cruel and unreasonable the discrimination and killing of race and skin color brought about by this inequality. I want you to remember that this is Set in a country that advertises freedom and equality, this is a recent story set in 1965, a journey that seems to have ended but never ends.
The beginning of the story is not about Martin Luther King Jr.'s struggle. At this time, King had delivered that shocking speech in front of the Lincoln Memorial, and his human rights movement had also achieved great success. For this reason, at the beginning of the film, he After winning the Nobel Peace Prize, he was received by the president. In the president's opinion, Kim's career is almost over, so don't let him get distracted from the Vietnam War again. Kim heard the president's deep meaning, and he wanted to categorically refuse. , but he stopped talking. In his heart, actions are far more important than words. He wants to return to the black people, forget those glory, and go to the next victory with those black compatriots again.
He targeted voting rights, and the location was Selma.
The city is a small town in Alabama, where the black problem is the most serious in the United States. Here, he met the villain of the story-George Wallace, this man is a staunch supporter of racism, I think if it is possible , his life is also a wonderful movie story, but in this movie, he is just a stubborn stereotype, a vicious executioner.
As a result, the two sides began to conflict. In the movie, there are three conflicts:
the first conflict, the conflict between whites and blacks. The final result of this conflict is that a black man was killed by a white policeman for no reason. In this matter, the president Johnson remained silent, apparently angering blacks who had not joined the civil rights movement and, to a certain extent, the sympathy of the white race.
The second contradiction, the US intelligence agency used the collected intelligence to maliciously attack Martin Luther King, destroying his image as a leader. In the movie, this mainly involves King's family conflicts. His wife firmly supports King's cause, but she is full of With all kinds of intimidation and threats, she wants to be sure that Kim still loves her, and that their love is finally put to the test.
The third contradiction is that the white sympathizer was beaten by the local police in Selma, and as a result, he died. Here, a little bit of the story of the Ku Klux Klan is involved, but the movie does not unfold, which is also the most difficult in American history. Part of the darkness, it was precisely because of the death of this white sympathizer that huge public anger was aroused in the United States, so Johnson finally could not remain silent, could not maintain his neutral position (in fact, he was secretly opposed to the civil rights movement), stood up and promised Will honor black voting rights, and Martin Luther King Jr. has finally achieved his victory.
At the end of the film, the black march from Selma to Montgomery was a shock, what a hard-won victory, and at the Capitol in Montgomery, Martin Luther King Jr. gave a shocking speech, I didn't know that This is the first time I've said the word "stunning speech", but there is no doubt that this finale speech is wonderful, it frees us from depression and pessimism, and breathes the breath of freedom and victory!
The film stops abruptly here, the ending is neat, yes, as a biopic, the role it conveys has been achieved, but as a history? That is, three years later in the story, in April 1968, Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated after heading to Memphis to lead a workers strike. He was only 39 years old that year and led the American civil rights movement for 12 years. !

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Selma quotes

  • Ralph Abernathy: This information, coming from the FBI, I assume from a high level, the same high level that's been tracking us like animals?

  • Martin Luther King Jr.: No, Sheriff Clark, we're going in the front.

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