life is an escape

Margarita 2022-03-24 09:02:13

It's just that some people perform well and some people don't. It didn't play to the end, never know what the end of the drama will be.
I used to be a prince, now I'm a second-rate person, bearing the humiliation of poverty, I stretched out my hand to search in nothingness, and found nothing.
Where am I? What am I doing? Why am I acting? Am I going to die?
Nothing can separate us, past or future. I'll be closer to you when I'm dead than when I'm alive.
The elderly become like children, but in the process from children to elderly people, can anyone tell me what is the meaning of experiencing it?
I always thought I was wise and fair, I didn't expect people to hate me.
We like the small world of the stage, because it makes us forget the pain of the real world, and through the joy of the stage, makes the real world a better place. There is kindness, generosity and love in this small world. There is no shame in loving this small world. And children are our future.
Anything can happen, nothing is impossible. Time and space do not exist, and in trivial reality, the imagination weaves new worlds and patterns, this world is: memory, experience, free fantasy, and a mixture of various contradictions.
The source of the water, the clouds covering the mountains, are just the fears, longings and hopes in the hearts of all people.
We walk only to deceive ourselves and others, and the destination is nothing but nothingness.

The above are direct excerpts and edited lines.

We try to escape our inner cage and see others as the antidote, but we don’t know that everyone lives in the shackles of self, otherwise how can we attract each other and need each other. So love is good, because people who fall in love enjoy a moment of freedom. And the feelings that can liberate each other to be sublimated are great.
Bergman calls the film "a lighthearted hymn to love life", I think because "we the Akorda family are good at escaping" and let's "ignore the inevitable darkness and misery before it hits us" Those so-called great things are good", put all unhappiness aside, become "kinder, more generous, affectionate, and happy", and revel in the "little world" composed of love, literature, art and other beautiful things, As for the future and meaning, our children will see farther and deeper, after all, life is always going on.
The pure real world is not real in our eyes. In our minds, "this world is: memory, experience, free fantasy, and a mixture of various contradictions." All aspects, love, death, memory, joy and pain, meaning and nothingness. If a thing is far enough away from us, whether it is cold or warm, good or evil, we just have to think it through wishful thinking. This is actually a kind of pragmatism. Just like meaning, it is originally illusory. Since everything needs a reason, let’s make one up, and let it exist. As for where and what form, if you don’t understand, leave it For future generations to explore, so you not only gain meaning, but also gain hope. From this perspective, meaning is not metaphysical, but created. According to the attributes of human beings, the existence of human life naturally precedes the essence, so the meaning of life lags behind the life itself. Life is fluid, and meaning flows with it. Perhaps meaning is a kind of beauty. When people think about the meaning of life, it is like pursuing the beauty of life.

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