The devil is in the details, the logical deduction about the real situation of the male protagonist (there are serious spoilers)

Missouri 2022-03-25 09:01:13

If you analyze it strictly with logic, it is multiple personalities. No matter what the male protagonist said, we only look at a few important details: 1. The female investigator said that the police had investigated that hotel room, and there was only one person. When we expand it, we must have investigated the relevant information (such as videos) and personnel of the hotel, and in the end, the male protagonist's recollection is obviously a picture of five people in that room, which forms an absolute contradiction. Only multiple personalities can explain it. 2. When the female investigator asked about the woman the male protagonist liked, the woman replied that she had never seen the male protagonist in the later period. We can clearly see that the woman's "ex-boyfriend" (actually the current boyfriend, who was also described when delivering the pizza) appeared in the introduction of the male protagonist, that is, the man should have met the male protagonist. Inquiries, the two sides will understand a pair of oral confessions. The police investigation will not miss this obvious link. And the police never suspected the woman's confession, which means that the male protagonist did not see the male protagonist during his hacking. 3. In all the videos recorded in this "organization", only one person with a smiling mask appeared. Including in the library, the female investigator saw only one masked man from beginning to end. All that being said, I think that last scene was formed by split personality. PS: Don't be deceived by the description of the male protagonist (the entire hacking process in the early stage). There is no truth to be investigated in it. After all, the narration from the male protagonist cannot be strictly verified by itself. The only thing that can be verified is the logical inference drawn from the evidence from the police investigation. For example, why there are 3 women in the car when the car is full, these descriptions cannot be verified. The fly in the ointment in the film is the MRX, that is, there is no reversal, and there is little interaction. There are also female police officers, who have a poor sense of presence. It mainly said that it was about a reversal and reversal, and the result was still schizophrenia. Is it a tribute to "Deadly ID"? =========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================;

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Let's analyze it as if it didn't happen at all. All the words of the protagonist are suspicious. But there are a few places where there is no doubt. First, the hotel you stayed in, there is no doubt about it, the traces of one person or several people cannot be eliminated. First of all, not to mention such a major case, even the most common case, the procedure must be at least two or more police (or similar departments) investigation conclusion, one person is in violation of the regulations. It is simply a fantasy that the female person in charge can close the case with a casual visit. You said that you don't have the energy to ask other people. When I saw people (whether it was the male protagonist or the villain), I immediately dispatched the police force in a different place. This wasted administrative energy and energy were gone. It is impossible to be so negligent in inquiries. Is it difficult to ask the waiter, manager, front desk they check into the hotel? 2. When in the library, the female person in charge had a face-to-face with the male protagonist wearing a mask. The male protagonist described himself as 4 people escaping together, but in fact, based on logical reasoning, if the female person in charge spends her strength to investigate, it is easy to find out whether anyone is with the male protagonist that day. Could it be that even if the female person in charge came to the library to arrest someone and the male lead was alone, they would still be able to run away? 3. It is very convenient for the heroine to fly back and forth several times a day, but it is not very convenient to eliminate traces. Do you think it's easy to fly around? No matter your consumption, or the airline, or the time of entry and exit, there will be records. Once these are verified, the heroine can still run away? You don't tell me you're going to hack this too. To be able to silently hack into banks, airlines, that's just bullshit. 4. If the male protagonist really has a gang, unless these people's brains are broken, they will believe before the male protagonist turns himself in that the female person in charge will let the male protagonist go, and violate the regulations to give him the opportunity to modify his self-file. That's basically a very unlikely event. The female person in charge released the male protagonist in a way that violated the regulations. This is a completely random and small probability event. to bet on this? I can only laugh~

And your persistence and my persistence are the weakness of human nature, a weakness that is difficult to overcome. It is very difficult for human nature to admit that its judgment is wrong, because that means a denial of the self, and under normal circumstances too few can overcome this. If it involves interests, it will even self-hypnotize itself, treating false memories as real memories.


The most annoying thing is that the confidence of the male protagonist will definitely be released by the female prosecutor? And also gave him the opportunity to modify the electronic file and let it go. The female prosecutor's 2B fearless behavior of sacrificing herself, knowing the law, breaking the law and not wanting to have a future is really bad. Betting on this kind of opportunity is really less reliable than buying lottery tickets in China. The case was closed without the police investigating. Don't even look at what he did. Stealing into the German Security Service, stealing top-secret information and leaking it to gangsters, even killing a senior undercover agent. Can this kind of major safety accident at the national level be drafted? If you don't check him, he will be a genius. Do you know there is something called the ten tortures of the Qing Dynasty? When East and West Germany merged, wouldn't Germany use the former Soviet Union's methods to coerce confessions? Check for yourself the punishment of KGB in those days, you will be scared to pee when you look at it. Did you know there's something called Veritaserum? If you haven't received professional training, you'll say it when you're three years old and you've seen the woman next door change her panties. This is what I've come up with by normal logic. In the end, it is not inherent thinking, but logical thinking. You just have a hard time denying yourself, and so do I. It's just that I personally feel that my logic is stronger, because my observations are based on the information given by the film itself as an element as much as possible, unlike the 4 (5?) of you who talk about so many brain supplements.


1. If it is really a tool, at least it does not appear on the screen of the movie. The same hotel room appeared, but the police found traces of only one person. 2. Is it because your mind is too simple, just tainted witnesses? Stealing into the National Intelligence Security Agency, stealing top-secret national information, and selling it to enemy intelligence agencies resulting in the death of a top-secret agent. You told me to just be a tainted witness and that's it? Is it that you don't understand the law or I don't understand the law? 3. If the female prosecutor has already resigned, can she still handle the case? Can you lead a team to the library to catch the protagonist? In the end, you can interrogate the protagonist, and can you walk around in the security bureau? Can you also give the protagonist the opportunity to go to the computer room to change the data? Stop messing around, okay? Do you think this kind of brain supplement is reliable? It's you who take female prosecutors as gods. Logic, ah, logic, you have to have at least some logic. In the end, there is absolutely no way a case of this kind can be concluded in a hurry. It is impossible for a culprit like the protagonist not to investigate him thoroughly. If it was really 5 people committing the crime. Even if the protagonist is not interrogated abnormally, the traces of the five people handling the case are easy to find. As I said, in the records of how many times they committed crimes and were caught on camera, there was always only one person. Unless they have designed this bureau from the very beginning of the crime, to sell out the national intelligence information and kill the intelligence personnel, to make the crime so big that the national intelligence agency gets involved. Otherwise, it is basically impossible to make such preparations ahead of time at the beginning of the crime.

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Who Am I quotes

  • Benjamin: MRX has three rules: First: no system is safe. Second: Aim for the impossible. Third: Have fun in cyberspace and meat space.