the power of despair

Braeden 2022-05-09 10:55:33

When I downloaded this film, I saw that it was the Best Foreign Language Film at the 87th Academy Awards. I was so curious that I had never heard of it. After watching it, I searched for it and found that it was nominated for the Best Foreign Language Film. It was finally awarded to Ida. Seen.
There is a wonderful scene in it, desperate young people playing football against the air, because the authorities do not allow football, singing and other entertainment, I don't know if it is to boycott Western culture, if that is the case, it is too far It's extreme, people have already enjoyed this pleasure, and it's too difficult for you to take it away.
The invasion of Western culture also came with the development of Western economic and military power. Some stubborn nations chose to resist, and some chose to be inclusive.
The director's shot is straightforward, without a lot of shocking footage, and simply tells what happens after ISIS (?) takes over a small town.

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Timbuktu quotes

  • Omar: Satima?

    Satima: I'm listening.

    Omar: I'm Abdelkarim's driver. I have a message from him: "He can't do anything to help. It's over".

  • L'Imam: [to a jihadist] Stop this. You cause harm to Islam and Muslims. You put children in danger in front of their poor mother. You even hit the mother of two children without any good reason. Before you came, a woman was here to complain that you forced her to wear gloves-- here they are-- without convincing her of their usefulness, as is prescribed by Allah and His prophet. Remember the words of Allah the Almighty: "So pardon them. Consult them in the matter. Speak with them. Once you've made a decision, put your trust in Allah, for He loves those who rely upon Him." Where's leniency? Where's forgiveness? Where's piety? Where's exchange... exchange? Where is God in all this?