The Yearbook Project: A Journey Through Moubis Logic

Romaine 2022-03-25 09:01:10

As a time-travel film, the movie shows us a strong logical ability. With the display of various details, it brings into play the butterfly effect of various bits and pieces. It not only has a powerful pattern that affects the whole body, but also completes the In order to create the fatalism of the Moubis ring, from all aspects, the movie is a science fiction masterpiece that tests people's IQ. Some people understand the movie, some people don't understand it, some people don't pretend to understand it, some people question it, some people are dissatisfied with the ending, and some people think it's a piece of garbage, but the movie is a logical carnival. It mobilizes our imagination, it produces countless answers, no matter which direction you think, you can come up with a lot of mess, and if you don't think about anything, the movie can give us countless surprise. There is suspense, family affection, love, friendship, and an endless series of chain reactions in the movie, and all of them are closely linked like a big net, interlocking and inseparable. A little detail affects the production of the entire ending plot. I have to admire the level and ability of the screenwriter. A very niche movie can be written by him. His IQ is amazing, and people are not only addicted to watching it. Moreover, the dramatic plot in it is full of the stimulation and excitement of youth hormones, and the gradual plot evokes the ups and downs of the emotional atmosphere of the movie, suppressing everyone's feelings from calm to the climax of the drama, which not only makes people suffer intermittently There are no surprises and no surprises, and the story is so dense that there is no urination in the audience, forcing us to persist from the beginning to the end.

The movie cleverly guides the changes of the story through a series of trivia. It has the connotation of the story of the drama movie, and also wraps the sexuality of the youth love movie. The movie uses a fast-paced narrative method to piece together a compact structure. , and through the means of dense plots, we have no time to consider whether the small plot is complete, but later we found that the plot of the movie can always find a way to justify itself, even if there is a loophole that cannot be found in the end, it can also be used to start over. The Whoopus ring effect is used to prevaricate the past, making you feel unwilling but unable to say why, you have to be amazed by the use of the screenwriter's tricks, leaving you speechless. Through the shaping of the plot, the movie builds a very three-dimensional image to create the role emanating from the characters. The appearance and shaping of each character are so important and indispensable in the evolution of the plot, so that when the story is the story. To a certain extent, we feel more important to pay attention to the fate of the characters than to the development of the plot, because the changes of the characters through the development of the plot, in the process of changing slowly, unknowingly make us pay too much Feelings, so that we pay attention to the fate of the characters is based on the curiosity and sympathy aroused in our hearts. Once we pour our feelings into the characters, follow the footsteps of the movie, and continue to pay attention to the rhythm of the plot. Moreover, the movie starts from the diversification of emotions, and constantly attacks our emotional release from multiple points and faces. There is always a loophole in our emotions that will be captured by the movie, so that our sympathy for the fate of the characters bursts. Furthermore, the setting of movie scenes and the use of movie special effects have a strong sense of reality, not as good-looking as the special effects of super blockbusters but unrealistic, the special effects of this movie make us feel very realistic, as if it happened in Around us, the real scenes that can be seen everywhere are operated as venues that travel through time and space, and the occurrence of the very abnormal time-space reversal of the anti-physical phenomenon has really stimulated our curiosity, and on the one hand made us feel this interesting The occurrence of the phenomenon, on the other hand, the ever-expanding butterfly effect makes more and more plots reversed. It is quite surprising. It is like a mystery, which makes people wonder what the result will be. We need to follow and explore together. To discover, full of curiosity.

The movie plays various elements quite proficiently, and the occurrence of various plots is full of exploration, and the description of the campus comedy part has become the most interesting and most representative of the movie's sci-fi theme. It is full of creativity and wonderful. Absolutely. In addition, the performances of the young actors in this film are also quite brilliant. They cooperate with each other tacitly, and the performance styles are consistent with each other. There is no excessive and inappropriate performance, so that the plot of the whole film deepens with the performance of the actors. The most important point of the significance is that they really liven up the youthful characteristics of campus life, and vividly interpret the wild and unruly youthful rebellious image. Even when it comes to family ethics, they are also very good. The performance expresses the care and love for the family, which makes people feel the caring and warmth coming from the bottom of the heart, and the core part of the reversal plot is because of love, and is impressed by the performance of the subtle expressions captured by the actors. .

I have to say that this is a good movie, a very wonderful movie, with an extraordinary imaginative plot and the use of various emotional elements, which not only creates a strong sci-fi atmosphere, but also shows a strong emotional atmosphere, which makes people Being immersed in it, enjoying the contrast and edification of the two atmospheres at the same time, makes people want to stop and never stop. No matter how you travel through time and space, you can't escape your destiny. This is also a fine tradition that sci-fi movies have always maintained. It is impossible to change history, because the past has already passed, and too much fantasy will only lead to a series of failures , which is why science fiction movies have always emphasized fatalism. Everything has happened, but we are not aware of it.

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Project Almanac quotes

  • David Raskin: We didn't invent time travel. We just put it together with the instructions.

    Quinn Goldberg: You make it sound like we got it at Ikea.

  • Quinn Goldberg: You see, I was either going to buy one of these, or 17 Toyota Corollas.