Adela's Extraordinary Adventures

Cielo 2022-03-24 09:02:07

Adela's Extraordinary Adventure Death Edition. At first, I didn't understand why the protagonist found the Rose Key, and when he came out, he saw the picture of his father hanging himself. In fact, the journey of redemption in his heart began. After 50 minutes of watching it, it was actually the real climax, but for the first time in history, I felt dizzy and nauseated while watching a movie, which was more uncomfortable than playing CS. When the companions died unexpectedly one by one, the others who were alive would always say: We have to move on. I'm here to laugh, which means that people are not dead yet, the movie will continue, and the most important thing is that the heroine's stupid and crazy adventure is not afraid of death. It is also the bridge that drags the whole movie. I admire the spirit of foreign filmmaking and work hard. Unlike China, I always want to be lazy when doing sci-fi and horror. Let me first talk about the spaciousness of the tomb and the strange twists and turns of the mountain, which reminds me of a movie or two about the invasion of darkness. You never know how narrow and deep you have seen the crawling hole, maybe there is an unknown object repelling it when you look up, or maybe you are chasing a life-seeking ghost behind your ass. Water to wade, way to go. . . I can't say I'm so obsessed with this kind of movies that I can't easily find something new that I haven't seen.

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As Above, So Below quotes

  • La Taupe: The only way out is down.

  • Scarlett: If we find the chamber, then that's the way out. We'll find a way out.

    Souxie: Are you sure?

    Scarlett: I think I'm sure.