
Tristin 2022-09-19 08:45:49

**The following is a description of the plot**
***In addition, I actually don't know what I wrote ***

These days, when I am doing something and not doing anything, a picture will suddenly float in my mind A face, a figure, the man dragged his feet with strange steps, waved his hands awkwardly, and made um, ah, and other sounds of unknown meaning as he walked.

He frowned slightly, his shoulders were hunched, his back was always hunched, his eyes were slow, looking somewhere or not at all.

Well, that's Stewart, I recognize his face.

After watching the film for several days, I would suddenly think of someone's face like this, which is beyond my imagination.

Well, the motive for watching this film is not very pure. I just watched Mad Max at the time, and I was fascinated by TH. After all, this is the first man who made me feel sexy, and there is another one I like in this film. The horse face BC, will naturally be included in my list of movies I want to watch.

After looking for several stations, there is only a 460m version that can be downloaded. Although I care about the resolution, I have no choice but to drag it down. At the same time, I also dragged the comedy action movie spy fight between TH and Pine and the boxing warrior.

When it was time for lunch, I took a bento and thought about it, and picked Stewart to see it.

Then that afternoon, I was in a state of indescribable state.

For a movie, I can't always find the exact point to describe it, I think it's not good, maybe I can find a lot of points, but on the contrary, if I think it's good, it's hard to put it into words.

Stewart is the same for me, I do remember some details of the movie, but is that what makes me think it's good? Those seconds or minutes of scenes, characters, dialogue, background music?

I'll just start by talking about Stewart, a bum (but he's got his own little apartment with a kitchen), who's done illegal things (like clumsily robbing a small shop with his buddy, the Bubble Gum King, etc.) Yes), he is a drug user (choose Thursday to tell Alexander about the past that he is reluctant to talk about because he has relief money on Wednesday, so if the pressure is too high on Thursday, he can buy drugs), he has a son (suddenly called to listen to his son's record) Please leave a message for me and I'm worried that my son will turn bad), he usually looks harmless but sometimes self-mutilates and does things that other normal people would find terrifying (stab himself with a knife, set fire, etc.), his childhood He was sexually abused (by his own brother and his companions, people in the almshouse), bullied by classmates (because of his muscle atrophy).

What can one expect from a child when these things happen to them?

He was ridiculed and bullied by his classmates because of muscle atrophy. When he got home, he was comforted by his own brother, but later he was sexually assaulted by his own brother for 3 years, and finally broke out. My own people, and then, may realize that they are not normal, take the initiative to be admitted to the children's shelter, go there, and continue to be sexually abused by the people there.

Let's try to live a normal life when he grows up, because he chose to get married and have children. As a result, his wife had an affair, and the devil in Stuart's heart broke out again. He yelled at the police who came, hugging his son and coaxing him But he had a knife in his hand.

Did he want to die when the police rushed in? Because he set a fire in the house, but unfortunately he did not die, he was locked up and lived a life of being beaten by other inmates.

After he was released from prison, he lived a homeless life, and then he met Alexander at the homeless home.

Afterwards, they protested against the innocent jailing of the couple responsible for the homeless home, and went to various places to give speeches, while Stuart and Alexander sang in the car together, Stuart cooked dark food for Alexander in the kitchen of the small apartment, and they squeezed together. Eating and watching TV on the cot, Alexander took Stewart to his friend’s house as a guest, and he complained about the chainsaw mushroom on the way, but finally bought one and put it in the car, while Stewart was slowly driving the farm car in the garden to play Alexander Pushing a cart to sort out the fallen leaves in the yard, Stewart made a prison curry for everyone and received unanimous praise. While eating, he was forced to tell the first case that led to his imprisonment, pretending to be a free heart. Beater, called Alexander, who visited him with spirits.

Then Stewart asked Alexander to accompany him to try on the suit his sister was going to wear when he got married, and Alexander was still asking Stewart questions about his biography.

So many things I've written above, the bad things, are the ones that changed Stewart's life, but they are the reasons, and the reason for not being able to turn away from them and live other lives is Stewart himself.

He told him this, using a vague accent and a sluggish pronunciation, he made it clear that there are many people who have encountered many bad things, but they still live a normal and simple life , but himself.

He looks chaotic, but he is an unusually sober person, he understands his state, he is just powerless to change, he has keys and a map, but he has no feet, he can't take those steps.

Asked about those dark realms, Stewart would also shudder, be afraid, be sad, be reluctant to mention it, instead of showing off the bad things he did like some hooligans, he told Alexander, you are a good man, he has Happy days, some things he experienced with Alexander, he must have felt happy.

This is a very complicated and complex person, just like us, no one's mind is so simple that it can be easily analyzed, and his experience makes such an analysis even more impossible.

But Stewart's anger as an adult was mostly directed at himself. He hated why he couldn't drive the demon out, and he regretted why he accepted the demon at that time, but he also felt that the demon didn't want to go anywhere.

He knows how to distinguish fruit trees, he drank out of Souchong, sticking chewing gum on his chair before speaking, and then buttoning it down to continue chewing, he made those foods that looked a little out of common sense but tasted good, just like him He looks weird and makes people afraid to approach him easily, but his essence is clean, clear and wise.

These few days, when I was doing something and not doing anything, a face, a figure suddenly floated in my mind, that person dragged his feet with strange steps, waved his hands awkwardly, and said um, ah as he walked. Such unintelligible sounds.

He frowned slightly, his shoulders were hunched, his back was always hunched, his eyes were slow, looking somewhere or not at all.

Well, that's Stewart, I recognize his face.

Well, that's my favorite Stewart.

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Extended Reading

Stuart: A Life Backwards quotes

  • Alexander Masters: If you had to change one thing about your life, what would it be?

    Stuart Shorter: Well, how much is one thing?

  • Stuart Shorter: My name is Psycho but you can call me Stuart if you want.