loneliness to blame

Margarita 2022-03-25 09:01:20

iQIYI recently classified its movies, which are a bit rough, but some are also interesting, such as "One Movie, One Country" and "Confessions of Spiritual Desire" belong to "movies that have gone through my heart".
Alina died, it's a pity, the girl of the flower season. Many people say that she died of the ignorance and ignorance of the church. In fact, thinking about it, Alina's own fault is a little more for this tragic ending. She is stubborn, extreme, and uses her life to fight, but she is actually fighting against herself. Just like the famous saying in psychology, "Darling, there is no one else out there, only yourself".
At the beginning of the film, Alina went to find Becky. She hopes to take Becky away and go to Germany together. This is the beginning and the root of the problem. Taking Becky away is not because of how good the outside world is, not because "the world is so big, They wanted to go for a walk", only because of the loneliness, as Bech later described to the priest, the loneliness that afflicted (Alina) with no one to share her pain with. When she was alone, Alina regarded Becky, the playmate of the orphanage when she was a child, as a life-saving straw. She wanted to rely on her, she wanted to accompany her, and she wanted to be warm. The train station where the two sides reunited; she cried bitterly regardless of the strange eyes; on the bus to the church, her slightly shy eyes looked at Becky and smiled again and again, the humble residence, she hoped to sleep with Becky in the same bed; body; She had a fever, and she asked Becky to rub alcohol for it, and she was not afraid to take off her upper body; late at night, when Becky was not there, she looked everywhere. However, she forgot that, with the passage of time, the little girl grew into a young girl, not when she was a child, not when she had no choice in the orphanage, Beiqi was just Beiqi, and she could not be Alina's straw. So she kindly reminded, "There are a lot of people watching", so she didn't make eye contact with Alina, so she said the church didn't allow it, so she threw the vest back on Alina, so she said, "Today, I I want to pray alone." From beginning to end, she had no strong desire to go to Germany together. At the beginning, she asked the priest for advice, and she just said, "As soon as she feels better, I will come back"; in the middle, the priest said, "You can leave together"; near the end, Alina was exorcised, and Bech just cleaned up Take Alina's things, help her untie her, say "you run away" instead of "we'll go together", Becky is not wrong, friend, she is related to Alina, she can take care of Alina, but she also have their own choices. Although the church is simple and life is not perfect, Becky calls the priest "Dad" and the nun "Mama", and the combination of parents is home, she goes to deliver food to the orphanage, she prays, she confesses, she has no huge void , her mind and body rest here.
In the movie, through the mouths of others, Alina's character is pointed out. Her adoptive mother said, "Impressive and aggressive", and Becky said "full of resentment for everything". Because of her personality, she dared to fight against the church, she overturned the "totem of God", she insulted the priest, she set fire, she thought it was these that trapped Becky, but in fact she couldn't see through it, Becky was not her straw, Becky couldn't solve her problems, she was confused and at a loss, and she had no hope for the future. She was alone, and then alone, and it wasn't God's business, no one else's business, just her own. Let me ask, who is not alone in this world? This feeling is considered to be the most common source of human suffering. It is innate, and the whole life, from rooting to falling leaves, is always one person, it is a one-man show, and the protagonist is always only yourself. Including the closest parents, the most respected lovers, and the most lovely children, there is nothing that can be done about those emotions that are difficult to let go. People are always lonely when they are on the road, just like Assan's "Leaves", "Carnival is the loneliness of a group of people... The heart floats there again, and even I can't see it clearly..."
Then, facing loneliness, the direction we seek , It should never be others, but yourself, learn to be alone, learn to meditate, learn to have epiphany, learn to have a little faith, learn to see yourself clearly, learn to savor life, learn to protect, and protect our emotions.
Of course, churches are also problematic. A group of people centered on God, forming a "harmonious" society, self-sufficiency, and a sense of being born in a paradise. In such a small world, God is not only their belief, but also their way of life. They have simple kindness, so They helped others, took in Alina, sent her to the hospital when she was sick, helped her clean, took in the woman who was beaten by her husband and forced to give birth. But they also have ordinary people's calculus and care about money, and it is clear at the beginning of the film that they are tight on money. The nun was willing to take in Alina, but rejected the woman in the orphanage because Alina had some savings, and the woman in the orphanage said she was penniless. They are conservative, narrow, intolerant, their gates are written against infidels, they are not allowed to fast at inappropriate times, they have many dogmas to comical confessions, and they restrain freedom.

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Beyond the Hills quotes

  • Priest: The man who leaves and the man who comes back are not the same.