Show some respect

Lee 2022-03-25 09:01:10

I don't usually watch old movies. It was Will who told Rudy's story with relish when watching TNR, which made me watch this movie on impulse.

Many people say that blindly persuading others to pursue unrealistic dreams is cruel and wrong. But in my opinion, there is no absolute right or wrong.
If everyone does what they can, and doesn't push themselves or break through the limits, then there will be so many great people missing in the world.
Eight years of hard work, in exchange for just 27 seconds. You ask him is it worth it? If you ask that, it's not worth it. Because for Rudy, it's something he has to do, beyond what's worth and what's not.
There are not many, or even none, of the glorious moments in life. But this short moment can turn a person's life upside down. His life will be very different.

Having said so much, in fact, I am not a person who has perfect courage and dares to overcome obstacles and chase dreams.
If you dare to dream, don't laugh at those who are content with the ordinary. Because you are not them and don't understand their lives.
If you're comfortable with the status quo, don't fight those crazy dream-seekers. There are too many mediocre people, and the world needs courage. Even if you can't appreciate it, please respect it.

If we all had a tenth of Rudy's efforts...

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Rudy quotes

  • Daniel: [Upon entering Notre Dame Stadium] This is the most beautiful sight these eyes have ever seen!

  • Frank: Ara again? You gonna get an autographed picture and kiss it every night before you go to bed?

    Rudy: What is your problem?

    Frank: Or maybe he'll give you permission to wipe his ass.