I hope there will always be a paradise of love

Donna 2022-03-24 09:03:50

The little protagonist is a loving and energetic child. He heard the sound of birds and cats on the side of the road, so he ran away alone to chase the cats, so that the birds that fell on the ground would not be eaten by the cats. The little master should be familiar with birds. Only then did I know the location and situation of the bird;

my father, I don’t want to raise my blind son anymore, it’s very hard to support the family by myself. The younger son and mother died early, and I wanted to ask the teacher to take care of them at school. On the way back, I rested by the river and my son was playing with water. , the camera gradually seems to want to push his son into the fear of the river;

the way back is long, it is a railway, a car, a horse and a walk, the place where I live is a remote village, and the friends in the village are lovely and innocent Brilliant, especially the two little sisters, who are very beautiful and lovely, full of smiles and optimism, probably because they are close to nature; the sisters study in the countryside, while the little master is in the municipal school; the little master is very sensible and will not come back. I forgot to bring gifts to my grandma and sisters. Although the gifts are very simple and simple, they are very cute and thoughtful; I

have an amiable grandma. My grandma is a hardworking old man

. When there was a partner, he rode to the door to propose a marriage. Halfway through the river, he shaved his beard. He was frightened by an inexplicable noise and broke the mirror. After scraping blood, he simply threw the mirror into the river. There was an ominous omen

. It seems that they are very happy, relying on the spirit, relying on the Lord, and they are rich in terms of spirit; although the

village is far away, it is happy and happy to be in nature, surrounded by flowers, birds, fish and insects, and more. Most of the happiness is self-sufficiency. The family is busy but happy with each other.

The little master is very sensitive to the sounds of nature, and seems to always echo the words he learned, that is, Braille. Our school is not over yet, the little master cried and went to the class with his sisters, and finally persuaded grandma to follow, the little master went with the Braille textbook, and recited the text in the classroom, and got attention. There was no problem in class at all; when my father found out, my father seemed to be saving face and felt that his son would be bullied and despised by the blind, and then he lost his temper with his grandma.

The father took the little master to the beach, and the grandmother heard that he was worried and doubtful; on the other side, the little master was playing in the water under the protection of his father. On the other side, he shoveled sand and loaded the car with the crowd and waited with the group. When he came back to the resting place, his son Ben When he wants to go far, his father doesn't seem to care when he sees it, he wants his son to get lost by himself, but he doesn't want to let the child get lost by himself. , in the hope that his future would not be delayed, so he forced his son to a blind woodcarver master, and let his son learn a craft. But the little master is unwilling, unwilling to leave his grandma, his sisters and everything in his hometown;

poor little master, he thought that grandma doesn't like him anymore, dad doesn't like him anymore, and it's not easy for dad. Dad didn't have a father since he was a child , I don't have the slightest impression of my father. The little master's mother has been gone for five years. The father has been busy taking care of the little master for five years. The father also takes care of the two younger sisters and the father's mother. The predicament is not easy. It is very sad to have to take care of the little master for a lifetime. I can't see what my fate will be when I get old, and no one will take care of me; but the father also loves the child, but the way of love is different, to let the child have a craft. , I can support myself, and it is also good for my children;

I love my children, all my parents, my grandma ran away from home in a fit of anger, and was chased back by her son, saying that I was not worried about the little master, but my son.

For the son's engagement, the grandmother agreed and supported the dowry; but the grandmother passed away in peace, and the little master seemed to know about it. Although he was not in his hometown, he did not attend the funeral; for the grandmother's death, it affected the engagement and broke off the marriage. .

The father went to pick up his son and went home on a horse. The wooden bridge fell into the river. The "accident" that the father had always hoped for finally occurred. The figure washed away, jumped directly into the river behind, but the river was very fast, fainted in the back and was washed to the shore, woke up and hurried to find his son, hugged his son, his expression was very painful but relieved, in the sun, the little master's little hands It seems to be waving to the warm sunshine, the end of the play.

You know no one loves me, not even my grandma, they all left me because I was blind, if I could see. . . I can go to school like everyone else. But now I have to go to school for the blind, like on the other side of the world; the teacher says God loves the blind more because they can't see. But I said that if that were the case, God wouldn't make us blind. So we can't see God, and the teacher replies, "God is invisible." He's everywhere, you can feel him, you know him with your fingertips. Now I keep reaching out until one day I feel the presence of God. Tell him everything, even my inner secret.

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The Color of Paradise quotes

  • Mohammad: [crying] Our teacher says that God loves the blind more because they can't see. But I told him if it was so, He would not make us blind so that we can't see Him. He answered "God is not visible. He is everywhere. You can feel Him. You see Him through your fingertips." / Now I reach out everywhere for God till the day my hands touch Him and tell Him everything, even all the secrets in my heart.

  • Mohammad: [crying] Nobody loves me because I'm blind.