fantasy girl

Freddy 2022-04-01 09:01:19

First of all, I have to admit that I love this movie with some bad motives, because the girls in it are so beautiful. Whether it was a group of young girls in the Mood for Love, or a haggard sexy woman whose face could not be covered. MissG has lived in a closed girls' school since she was a child. She follows the rules, is cowardly and has low self-esteem. She has a perfect skin but is afraid to show it to men outside the girls' school. But she looks so good-looking, shouldn't she deserve a romantic and legendary life? So I read, learn from other people's stories and put them on my head, and decorate my ignorant and dry self with a humorous, elegant, mysterious and moving look. The girls from the girls' school who had been deceived by inexperience and short-sighted gathered around him, revering and longing for themselves like a believer looking at a bishop. What's wrong with this? Of course there's nothing wrong with that. Each of us has such a dream, hoping that our life will be more legendary, that our experience will be richer, that we can take care of others' admiration, and that we can be admired and worshipped by others. Presumably MissG must have been a fantasy girl who loved daydreaming when she was young. And MissG is more successful, she turned her vision into reality, and she did it. How much effort does it take for a timid and low self-esteem girl to grow into the sexy woman who is popular among thousands of girls in girls' schools? We don't know. Did she hurt anyone by doing all this? No, in fact, it has encouraged many girls with dreams to make them work hard in the direction of their dreams. Now she is no longer a girl, and she no longer fantasizes. She firmly believes that what she says is what she has experienced. And the newly transferred Spanish noble Fiamma is the embodiment of all MissG's fantasies. Fiamma is a true princess, she can easily get what she has longed for but no matter what. The legendary journey, the natural elegance, the noble temperament, these things are only 1% of Fiamma's things that MissG has worked hard to create on herself. What is Fiamma to MissG. It is the yearning of day and night, the expectation of every moment, the ultimate pursuit of every minute and every second, and the representation of fantasy into reality. Fiamma was deeply attracted to MissG, and MissG was madly addicted to her. She wants to be friends with Fiamma, wants to weave her into the adventure stories she makes up, she even rapes her on Fiamma's drunken nights just to get in with her fantasies. But Fiamma is not a fantasy after all, but a living She is also an aristocratic girl with independent will and elegance but stubbornness. Thinking about how she would allow MissG to carry out such despicable fantasies and flattering relationships on herself, not to mention the taint of drunken nights. So she rebelled against MissG and was about to expose MissG. What can we do when a figurative fantasy wants to break free from its grip and start to develop in an undesired direction? Then just let the fantasy stop being a fantasy. It's better to stay in the best place than to let her develop in a direction that is out of control. Anyway, as long as you have imagination, fantasy will never die. As MissG said, Fiamma is too good for her, she should not live in this world at all, she just needs to live in her own heart and be one with herself. Fiamma is a real and beautiful fantasy of MissG, and fantasy does not need to be realized. I like the girl Di very much, with blonde hair, a plump face like a round apple, and stubborn blue eyes. When peeping at the door of MissG's lewdness to Fiamma and looking at the crazy F in the jungle, the eyes are like small animals, disbelief and panic almost overflowing from the eye sockets and the screen will drown people. She is the one who is most obsessed with MissG, she is the first to wake up, and she is the one who finally gets out of this closed cage. I think she learned MissG's desire for free indulgence and also saw the true elegance and generosity of Fiamma. She will be fine. , the disbelief and panic almost overflowed the screen from the eyes and drowned people. She is the one who is most obsessed with MissG, she is the first to wake up, and she is the one who finally gets out of this closed cage. I think she learned MissG's desire for free indulgence and also saw the true elegance and generosity of Fiamma. She will be fine. , the disbelief and panic almost overflowed the screen from the eyes and drowned people. She is the one who is most obsessed with MissG, she is the first to wake up, and she is the one who finally gets out of this closed cage. I think she learned MissG's desire for free indulgence and also saw the true elegance and generosity of Fiamma. She will be fine.

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Cracks quotes

  • [first lines]

    Di: Miss G, I wanted to thank you for lending me the book.

    Miss G: Did you read it?

    Di: Yes.

    Miss G: Did you get caught?

    Di: No. And anyway, I'm not sure what all the fuss is about. I wasn't corrupted.

    Miss G: Good for you. Let them put that in their pipes.

  • Miss G: The most important thing in life is desire.

    Miss G: You can achieve anything you want.

    Miss G: The world is yours for the taking.

    Miss G: Nothing is impossible for you, my girls.

    Miss G: All you need is to desire it.