We're all gamblers

Vivien 2022-09-24 09:54:00

I watched this movie last night, and I was never sleepy. I was always fascinated by the plot, and more by the remarks of the protagonist in it. .
We might as well think about it, we have such people or situations around us:
1. We lose all our Happy Beans every day, so we don’t fight landlords on our mobile phones
. 2. We have won a lot of Texas Hold’em, but we still have to lose to one in the end. 3. Watch a lot of A-movies until
you release yourself
4. Stay at home on weekends and watch a lot of movies until you are exhausted and can’t fall asleep

. It’s not the same as the mentality of the protagonist in the movie. The beginning is desire, Either way, it's desire, desire to be happy, desire to be excited, desire to give up, then addiction, repetition, and finally numbness, no desire.

Think about these states or behaviors. We normal people sometimes have these behaviors, but this is not the case when we work and live normally. Like the protagonist, he can write novels normally. The novel in 2007 is still the best-selling novel. . Because of one of his unique ideas, he became a teacher. I am the grandson of the 17th richest man, so I can say "fuck u" to others by the way.

The protagonist finally got out of that state, why, because of love, because of the love for the female students, because of the love for the basketball guy, although he still won everything by gambling, but there is love in this bet, the same as before. The bet is different.

The protagonist lost his self because of no love (grandfather died), and found himself because of love (female student, male student). It is such a simple truth, but the storyteller tells the story so interestingly , and a lot of discussion about human nature, which is pretty good.

The protagonist always mentions talent and freedom. Obviously, all four people are gifted. The female student, the protagonist, the male student playing basketball, and the other male student playing tennis. What does the author want to express? The importance of "fuck u" has always been expressed in the movie, and the "fuck u" that you can feel free to is the real freedom. If there is no love, the protagonist can "fuck u" to everyone, because love has restrained, what does the director want to express ?

Talent, love, freedom, what is their relationship, I have to watch it again.

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The Gambler quotes

  • [to his college students]

    Jim Bennett: If you take away nothing else from my class, desiring a thing cannot make you have it.

  • Roberta: What will they do to you if you don't pay?

    Jim Bennett: [nonchalantly] Break every bone in my body.

    [she immediately slaps him in the face]