Is human nature free?

Alba 2022-11-07 09:09:01

How is it to be alive? Answering such a question is more than a thousand words, and the magnificent Renaissance is nothing more than a gentle question of "Who am I", and a hundred flowers blooming with more than 400 years of humanistic thought and artistic achievements. The time of film existence is too young for philosophy. Compared with words, notes or patterns, it was born too late. But this does not affect the film itself to prove its existence through form, it wants to prove the value, which itself is the value. There's nothing wrong with asking for too much, lest too much make you wonder what's wrong. Over the years of watching the movie, I have a very deep impression of the movies that dare to talk about philosophy and voluntarism, because the movies that Mark opened gave me more exciting things than Mark. Voluntaryism is Nietzsche's philosophy of persisting throughout his life. Until madness and death, Nietzsche is trying his best to prove why he exists and how to be alive in his own way? How can I prove that I am alive? In the movie, Mark answers that question with his superb acting skills. "Are you free or bound?" Then can I ask if the world is black? Or red? I always thought that if the value of a person's existence needs to be measured, what is the standard? How can they all be judged on the basis of secular material and basic morality? Is human nature good or evil? Does human nature need freedom or moral restraint? How to distinguish between good and evil in human nature? We always have too many questions, in times like these! why? Because the human heart is always upward, no matter what is above, people will always look up in place and ask a few whys. In fact, each of us is a gambler, like a male protagonist, not to pay off gambling debts, not to have a rich material life, but to prove to ourselves that "I am alive". Driven by the desire for freedom of human nature, or driven by moral constraints, for the so-called value, bet on youth, bet on love, bet on life or everything. Fifty steps can not laugh at a hundred steps, human nature should be like this, and value should be like this. I also always believed that everyone should be alive. I am actually very afraid to talk to people about philosophy or human nature. Because they are not written or talked about, but I am grateful to such directors and such actors, in this moment, for giving me time to think about values ​​and the resonance of human nature. It's just a pity that it is an American Hollywood movie without much background, rather than a product of my grand China. I love it as much as I love the Mona Lisa and the Divine Comedy. Art is always the same, maybe this is her real power to share with you who have sufficient wisdom in life.

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The Gambler quotes

  • [to his college students]

    Jim Bennett: If you take away nothing else from my class, desiring a thing cannot make you have it.

  • Roberta: What will they do to you if you don't pay?

    Jim Bennett: [nonchalantly] Break every bone in my body.

    [she immediately slaps him in the face]