Death Parade Parasite Commons Reviews

Alford 2022-10-31 03:52:20

I have always believed that people can't even fully understand themselves, let alone others. It is extremely difficult to know themselves and others, which is why the world is full of contradictions and conflicts.

"There are basically only a few points that we can understand each other. If human beings with the same structure can exchange souls with each other, they can hear and see their own world beyond imagination."

But even if everyone can clearly understand each other's thoughts, Also ridiculous. Because in "Kino's Journey"'s "A Country That Knows the Pain of Others", a country that can communicate with each other without words can't escape the troubles of the soul.

Therefore, it is said that man is a magical animal. As the most intelligent species on earth, how much can he understand? What about birth and death? Where does its wisdom come from? Do you know yourself?

In contact with the parasitic beast, Xiaoyou said, "Humans are creatures with a heart, and this is the greatest merit of human beings." Therefore, people will still pursue understanding with others, no matter how much mud is ahead.

As for how much each person can understand, who knows, but the world is more beautiful because of the deviation value, at least I think so, no matter it is appearance, intelligence, understanding, stupidity and IQ Rolling, there is incompetence and superpower, but the most basic, as long as the thinking is the same, holding the heart to understand, it is enough.

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Parasyte: The Maxim quotes

  • Shinichi Izumi: I seriously thought I was gonna have a heart attack.

    Migi: If that were to happen, it would be an inconvenience for me.

  • Shinichi Izumi: You know something Migi? You and I may be the wierdest crime-fighting duo ever.