What a killing generation of democracy, freedom, human rights, justice, world savior, country

Fern 2022-03-24 09:02:26

Shit. The whole thing is an American democratic brainwashing film with gold on its own face, and some nondescript civilians accidentally hurt on the way to show the so-called "neutrality" in the plot position. The result is that the Yankees go there and are greeted by Iraqi soldiers and civilians. American-style democracy and freedom is good, let’s show some more fish and water to send residents MRE (Ready-to-Eat Yankee’s rations, commonly known as “Meals Rejected by the Enemy”), nonsense!
If the damned democratic country really wants Reflecting on several modern American wars, you might as well take a pat on how many newborn deformities the depleted uranium aerosols in the first Gulf War caused Iraq to be deformed, and pat you on how much unexploded ordnance was left on the ground in that damn cluster bomb .Papai was killed by the distorted human figure under the cloud bomb. How many civilians did Papai drone "accidentally wound" to behead a terrorist organization leader? What is the ratio, ah? How rich are the people of the "dictatorship country" that has not been sanctioned? Take a picture of today's devastated Iraq?
After all, the reason for the expansion of Lao Sa's ambitions is closely related to democratic countries. In the beginning, the great democratic countries built a bridgehead in the Middle East, The Pahlavi Dynasty in Iran that was supported, did not expect that this unsatisfactory dynasty was killed by Islam, and then it became inseparable with the democratic country.
So the democratic country is in the 2b thought of "the enemy of the enemy is his mother's friend. "In order to overthrow Iran, he also supported the old Satan of Iraq, Iran's old enemy. As a result, this fierce man gave too much assistance, and a certain man in Sacrament went to his forehead and confiscated his hand, and touched the oil cheese of a democratic country. The second move The democracies that hit themselves in the foot had to clean up the mess by themselves. So they brought their younger brothers to the first Gulf War and imposed sanctions. Then, with the east wind of 9/11, the democracies this time prepared to destroy the old Sa Completely clean up and build an honest and obedient puppet regime, um, this is the same as what the goddamn great Soviet state did in Afghanistan. So on the premise that there is absolutely no weapons of mass destruction, nuclear? More anxious than democratic countries The Jewish grandson of Israel took advantage of the Iran-Iraq war to completely reimburse Iraq's nuclear industry with air strikes. At most, Lao Sa got some dirty bombs. As a result, not only did they have no dirty bombs, but they didn't even find chemical weapons.It's a slap in the face.
This article is about a new generation of democratic countries who have been playing video games, listening to pop songs, taking drugs and playing prostitutes since they were young, and then brainwashed into the front lines of democratic countries. Experience the thrill of killing with a real gun. Wake up and understand this film What to do? Brainwashing

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Generation Kill quotes

  • Cpl. Josh Ray Person: Peace sucks a hairy asshole, Freddy. War is the motherfucking answer.

  • Sgt. Brad 'Iceman' Colbert: [to Person] Careful with the Rip Fuel.

    Cpl. Josh Ray Person: Fuck, man! I'm on thirty hours no sleep! Beat the record I made in high school when I was on the debate team.

    Evan 'Scribe' Wright: Wait a minute, you were on the debate team?

    Sgt. Brad 'Iceman' Colbert: Whats the channel for the 119s?

    Cpl. Josh Ray Person: [to Colbert] 64 and tad 7.

    [to Wright]

    Cpl. Josh Ray Person: Yeah, I was really really fucking good, but all the other guys on the team thought I was high all of the time.