The aggressive climber

Percival 2022-03-24 09:02:18

If you don't see life and death, don't choose such a risky sport. If you see life and death, don't organize a six-person rescue suicide team to save the very few possible lives. Four lives, a great feat in exchange for one life in the end. It is still the selfishness of Lao Fan that sets off the selflessness and greatness of the climbers.
Extreme sports just represent the line between life and death. It is not only difficult but also dangerous. Even if his father leads his children to do multiple protections, accidents cannot be avoided in the end. If his father is a living person.
If you want to challenge, then challenge how to narrow the gap between the rich and the poor in the world. I think it is more challenging and meaningful than extreme sports.

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  • Skip: How about it Mal? You and Cyril have been up there before.

    Malcolm Bench: No. I mean why would we want to leave this place?

    Cyril Bench: Luxurious accomodation. Fine cuisine.

    Malcolm Bench: Sultry weather. Frostbite's off my dick.

    Cyril Bench: I reckon we should wait until they chuck in a ski lift.

    Malcolm Bench: Good idea. Imagine coming to the Himalayas and actually having to do some climbing. Especially when you have to complete your autobiography.

    Cyril Bench: And rustle up those all important endorsements. You wankers! What's bloody wrong with you?

    Cyril BenchMalcolm Bench: We're in.

  • Cyril Bench: That's a bloody great idea. Smoking next to the nitro. Although, bro and I always hoped that you'd blow us.