Unexpected road movie U turn

Elenora 2022-03-24 09:02:17

The main reason to open this movie is to experience the feeling of being on the road. After all, it is in the bean list recommended by road movies. . . No! think! arrive! never expected! Totally fascinated by the story of what happened in the small town, even if it didn't have the sense of a road movie.
It might only take half an hour to watch it, and I think it is very similar to "No Man's Land". It should be an imitation of this movie. Especially in the car repair place, and the whole story line is very similar. The tennis player who was successful in his career has experienced all kinds of weird and unfortunate things, and his evil heart has gradually enlarged, and finally he is completely destroyed.
It should be a turning point for the protagonist to crash a car, so he meets a greedy car mechanic, a father and daughter who are incestuous and want to kill each other, and a pair of inexplicable gangsters who are involved in robbery, murder, attempted murder, and continued murder! So this turning point should be the corner of the U-bend! So the good life went directly to another parallel line, and it was gone forever and went to die!
But it's also the main character's own fault! He owes money because of gambling. Later, lust and greed for money also pushed him into the abyss step by step, waiting for the vultures to eat with Jennifer Lopez, her dad, her husband, and the police lover. . .
Oh yes! He later climbed out on his own! Then got stuck in his car. . . .
All in all, the pace of the whole movie is very good! Ups and downs, just look at it to know!

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U Turn quotes

  • Grace: [sitting on a bed, appearing as if she is about to seduce Bobby] Come here. You know what I wanna do? I wanna hang drapes...

    [gets up and walks off]

  • Jake McKenna: I got a mind to put you over my knee right now and paddle your ass raw!