Tournament and duel

Missouri 2022-03-25 09:01:23

Tonight, I picked an old movie to watch. Jet Li's "Heroes of Heroes" in 1994. The last time I watched it was seven or eight years ago. I only remember some fights. I watched it completely this time, but I have some new ideas.

The climax of the whole film is presented in two places: the contest between Chen Zhen and the chief instructor of the Black Dragon Society, Japan's first samurai Fumio Funakoshi; the duel between Chen Zhen and the Japanese army officer Fujita Go.

I purposely divided these two contests into contests and duels. The contest between the two in front should be the most interesting and the most interesting part of the film, so let’s talk about the later duel first.


Huo Tingen (son of Huo Yuanjia) was invited to accept the duel of Fujita Gang (it should have been Fumio Funakoshi, but he returned to Japan), accompanied by Chen Zhen. The duel takes place in a Japanese martial arts gym.

In order to highlight the terrifying aspect of Fujita as a big boss, the movie deliberately gave him many warm-up shots before the fight (such as the performance of breaking a big stone in the chest, iron head kung fu, etc., in order to highlight his indestructible body of King Kong, also deliberately. Emphasizes Chen Zhen's skills).

This duel has a total of three progressive levels.

The first level is the duel between Huo Tingen and Fujita Go. Before the fight, Fujita just took out the plaque of "Sick Man of East Asia", which angered Huo Tingen, but Huo Tingen was almost defeated by Fujita Gang with one hand. (Kicking down the signboard of "Sick Man of East Asia" can be said to be the most classic scene in Bruce Lee's version of Chen Zhenli, but every movie has its own point of view. Personally, I feel that in this movie, the "Sick Man of East Asia" is beaten by martial arts. "More interesting)

Huo Tingen was defeated in a few times, and Chen Zhen came out at this time. Chen Zhen first kicked the "Sick Man of East Asia" sign, and then began to duel with Fujita. (Here is a small reminder: when Huo and Teng fight, Huo takes the shot first, and then loses, and when Teng and Chen fight, Teng takes the first shot - the convention of martial arts films, whoever shoots first has the upper hand)

The duel between Chen Zhen and Fujita Go pushed the duel to the second level. After returning from studying in Japan, Chen Zhen put what he learned into practice. When fighting, he combined Chinese and Western styles. On the basis of Huojiaquan, he combined the boxing techniques he learned in Japan, and flexibly penetrated. There is a small detail in this: Chen Zhen's punch was intercepted by Fujita Gang. At this time, he turned his fist into a palm, increased the length of the attack, and slapped the opponent's face back. The movie shows this shot in slow motion, and I hope the audience will notice Chen Zhen's victory in detail.

After Chen Zhen won, Fujita just fell there half-dead, and Chen Zhen had won and was about to help Huo Tingen to leave. But the bad guy hasn't died yet. At this time, it is necessary to embody the hero's righteousness and to end the big boss. What should we do?

This pushed the duel to the third level. Fujita Gang refused to admit defeat and quietly picked up the samurai sword to attack Chen Zhen. Huo Tingen took precautions and blocked Chen Zhen's arm. At this time, Chen Zhen, as a hero, will feel sorry if he doesn't kill you Fujita. Chen Zhen then pulled out the belt (vigorous exercise, the pants did not slide down), as a soft weapon (there is a shadow of Bruce Lee's nunchuck), and had a weapon duel with the katana. Once you hit the level of a weapon, killing someone is nothing, let alone a person of great evil.

The duel is over here, the hero wins, the loser dies, there is nothing wrong with it. The scene of the fight was also extremely bloody, and the two used all kinds of moves just to defeat each other.


is now a competition, and the competition between Chen Zhen and Funakoshi Fumio is different from the bloody fight above.

They are also divided into three levels.

First of all, the place where they competed was in front of Huo Yuanjia's tomb, with a large tomb as the background. These few lines are very good, and they are taken down as they are.

Before the competition, Fumio Funakoshi asked Chen Zhen,

"Young man, tell me what the strongest punch is?"
Chen Zhen picked up a stone, smashed it with one punch, and said,

"Concentrating the strength of the whole body in a single point is the best way to explode it. Strong punch."
Fumio Funakoshi praised Chen Zhen without hesitation. When speaking, he also split a piece of spiritual paper floating in the air with his hands, and said to Chen Zhen,

"You must know that our opponent is someone who can move."
At this time, the two The idea of ​​martial arts is reflected. Huo Jiaquan has a history of nearly two thousand years. It is said that it was created by Huo Qubing, and it was improved in the hands of Huo Yuanjia (regardless of the major, it is everyone who dares to make improvements). "Huojia Mi Zong Boxing" (According to this history, I really can't say whether Mi Zong Boxing is the Southern Boxing or the Northern Boxing, from the Han Dynasty to the Republic of China, from Tianjin to Shanghai). But at least it can be seen that Chen Zhen's martial arts thoughts are simple and refined, and it is a good punch if he can hit it with one blow. Fumio Funakoshi has another idea. I think this sentence can be summed up in that his martial arts thought focuses on "reacting with the changes and flexibly controlling the enemy."

Chen Zhen didn't want to chat, but Fumio Funo asked again (people really like to chat when they are old) :

"What is the strongest defense?"
Chen Zhen replied, "It's offense." Offense is the best defense. Many people think so.

At this time, Fumio Funakoshi nodded, feeling that Huo Jiaquan and Tang Shou have the same principles, both of which are Zhigang's boxing techniques. Tang Shou is said to be a martial art introduced to Ryukyu during the Tang Dynasty, and later became the prototype of karate.

Chen Zhen was in a hurry at this time (maybe he wanted to fight too much), and said:

"Do you know how to box? Just lacking softness is a waste of strength, and lacking rigidity is a waste of strength, and neither is necessary. Teacher, what are you doing? To teach disciples?"
Although Chen Zhen is a little impatient, it is undeniable that he has a deep understanding of martial arts, abandoning the traditional rigidity and combining Chinese and Western, and his understanding of the combination of hardness and softness in martial arts can already be said to be master-level. But he was very impatient when he said this. If an impatient person can say such a sentence without thinking about it, it can be said that Chen Zhen is thinking about martial arts all the time.

At this time, Funakoshi advised him to "do not be impetuous in fighting", which can be regarded as teaching him as an experienced person. I won't talk about martial arts first, but Chuanyue feels that he must know a lot about experience, so he is full of confidence in every word he says to Chen Zhen.

Finally the two of them are going to fight! Just as Chen Zhen was about to make a move, Funayue paused again. He took off his clogs and put his coat on the clogs. Then came back to prepare for the competition, Chen Zhen couldn't bear it anymore, rushed up, and just about to punch, Funue called pause again!

Said that he was old, he had to warm up, and then began to prepare for the preparations in one, two, three, four, two, three, four, throwing fists and twisting his waist, not in a hurry. Chen Zhen looked at him helplessly. This look = =.

At this point, the first level is over. Recall that the duel between Chen Zhen and Fujita Gang started with Huo Tingen's shot (as soon as they came up), and the duel between Chen Zhen and Funakoshi began with a dialogue and warm-up.

Now entering the second stage of the contest.

The boat came up more and more violently, and finally prevailed. He watched Chen Zhen challenge him with boxing and tiptoeing. He was curious and asked him what it was, and then he followed suit. The two fought back and forth, when a gust of wind blew, and the more the boat stood against the wind, it suffered a loss. Chen Zhen felt that this was unfair, so the two took out a handkerchief from their chests and began to compete with their eyes blindfolded.

This pushes to a third level.

Putting aside the competition first, from the film itself, if we can go back to the time of shooting, we should see that this scene is difficult to shoot! First of all, it is not easy to perform a series of actions, and you need to be blindfolded. Even if it is a translucent gauze, it requires a lot of technical content to fight with the opponent, and to play well. Here's a small tribute to the two actors.

Speaking of the competition, the last stage ended in a winding style: Chen Zhen used scissors to trap Chuanyue's feet, and Chuanyue pinched Chen Zhen's neck. Then Funayue took off the gauze and said, "Don't fight," and the two stopped.

After the competition, the two complimented each other, and then Chen Zhen said that he lost, and Funue said it was a tie.

But looking at the entire competition, Chen Zhen actually had the upper hand.

Funayue later said that he just used Chen Zhen's boxing (so after the draw, Chen Zhen still felt that he had lost).

At this time, Funayue expressed his thoughts on Chinese martial arts and Chen Zhen:

"Chinese martial arts emphasize personal cultivation rather than actual combat (which makes sense). Your performance today can be said to be a breakthrough. "
Chen Zhen retorted:

"The goal of competition is to pay attention to the way it is and not to be tired."
I don't actually understand this sentence. If someone can explain it, feel free to leave a message.

At this time, Funue told Chen Zhen earnestly:

"Young man, I tell you, the best way to knock down the opponent is to use a pistol." "Guns are used by inferior people.")
But Funakoshi was not joking, and then he said:

"The goal of martial arts is to push people's physical fitness to the highest limit (competition is the ultimate duel). If If you want to reach this state, you must understand the universe. (Is there an instant "The Grandmaster"?)" At
this point, Chuanyue was about to leave, and Chen Zhen asked, "Aren't you going to duel?" Chuanyue said nothing. , is a tie. Seeing this, I decided to call this competition a contest, not a duel.

Afterwards, Funayue distinguished between martial arts and violence, and said,

"Huo Yuanjia, I lost, I didn't expect you to have such a good apprentice."
At this point in the movie, in fact, it has risen to a new level, but it is not easy to see. Huo Yuanjia and Funo Fumio had a stand against each other. In fact, they also had a duel, which was also a duel of martial arts, but they couldn't fight because of Yin and Yang. But martial arts doesn't have to be about hands-on competition. Fumio Funakoshi's emotion is enough to see that he is a master of a generation (the characters should be fictitious, but here we start from a movie perspective).

Speaking of Chen Zhen, Chen Zhen is young, and he is considered a master in both internal and external cultivation of martial arts. In this competition, regardless of moves and nationality, the heights of martial arts are compared in offense, defense and dialogue. Compared with the duel that followed, this contest was indeed a lot more exciting. In my opinion, this is the best part of the movie.

Later words:

I believe that every boy has a dream of being a hero. I can give an example on how and how long to become a master.

A set of martial arts can be disassembled and divided into dozens or even dozens of moves. It's like we do radio gymnastics. Not to mention the basic skills of several years, starting from the flight of the young eagle (I don't know which set of radio gymnastics), it takes about three months to learn a complete set of radio gymnastics, and the same is true for martial arts moves.

At this time, the second stage is entered, which is to do a set of broadcast gymnastics coherently. When you can finally do a set of radio gymnastics, do you think you have learned it? No!

The third stage, you must know that a set of martial arts itself is continuous and uninterrupted. Before, they were divided into many moves just to facilitate practice. So just because you can do a set of gymnastics in nine minutes on the radio doesn't mean you have mastered it. This stage is to restore the disassembled moves, that is to say, shorten the nine-minute broadcast gymnastics to one minute, and complete all the movements within one minute. There is no rest, there is no gap, if you can do this, you will be able to master this martial arts. It would take a few years for this to happen.

The fourth stage, after you learn it, you must know that you learn this martial art to save people from fighting, so you can’t do it from the beginning to the end when you shoot, and don’t look at other people’s moves. Not only do you have to be well-versed, but you also need to know how to pick and dismantle in actual combat. When the opposite left hook, you can't take off the eagle, you have to use the kick movement very flexibly to overcome the enemy and win. The so-called "seeing the move and dismantling the move" means that without stopping, any move can be drawn from the martial arts at will to cause death. If you can do this, you can be considered an expert.

To become a master is to be at a higher level. For example, using the same martial arts and the same set of radio gymnastics, both of them have already practiced to the fourth stage. If they compete in martial arts at this time, they will see more than just moves.

And ordinary martial arts films are based on the fourth stage, so Chen Zhen and Funakoshi really have been focusing on martial arts for decades before they became top masters.

Finally, let's talk about other highlights of "Heroes of Jingwu":

1. The heroine "Photon" is really beautiful

. 2. If you watch the Mandarin version, you will find Zhou Xingchi's Mandarin dubbing and Wu Mengda's Mandarin dubbing.

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Extended Reading

Fist of Legend quotes

  • Fumio Funakoshi: What fist is this?

    Chen Zhen: Don't ask, it's a good fist if it wins.

  • Fumio Funakoshi: What style is that?

    Chen Zhen: don't ask! if it works, it's a good one!