where life is born

Keyshawn 2022-11-29 09:05:36

The ocean is a magical place, and if you want to really understand it, you have to live in it and see what it looks like.
There are many prehistoric creatures living in the ocean. They have watched the earth change little by little for hundreds of millions of years. Perhaps in their sense the earth is still the earth where they live, but when the dazzling light appeared in the air, What is reflected in the eyes of living things is the change of the times.
Humans vigorously develop aviation business and want to explore the unknown and mysterious space, but they do not know that there is such a world around them. Under the microscope, a sea urchin larva is a mysterious space, magical and dynamic.
The ocean is cruel, a world where the strong prey on the weak. When a large number of predation pictures are presented in front of people, they have to sigh the fragility and strength of life. This is like a death symphony. Together, they form a terrifying and spectacular spectacle. When it was all over, the ocean returned to calm and life continued.
The ocean world is harsher than the human world, because it is necessary to prevent the possibility of being killed anytime, anywhere.
In the silent night, deep under the sea, everything seems to be quiet. The fish will look for a safe place to sleep soundly. Crabs and sea urchins move their bodies quietly. Hermit crabs continue to hide after finding a "new house". Is the sea floor really as calm as it appears on the surface? The answer is no, predators are still eating, creatures swear their territory, and battles are still quietly staged in this silence.
Life is a wonderful existence. Sea turtles that once lived on land are now a member of the sea, but they still need to return to land to lay eggs. Baby turtles crawl out of the sand under the scorching sun, and the first thing they do is go into the sea. It's a life-altering race against time, and if you don't get into the water in time, it will become a frigate bird's meal. I'm curious, why the newly hatched baby turtles are aware of the danger, and it is instinct that drives them to quickly flee to the direction of the sea? Regardless, if one out of thousands of baby turtles make it into the sea, the turtles can survive.
It is a law that the big fish eats the small fish, but there is also another relationship in the ocean, "special service". The small fish will follow the big fish to clean their bodies and mouths. The big fish will not eat them, but enjoy the cleaning service lazily.
With the passage of time, human fishing nets gradually appeared in the ocean, and many unknown species of fish were trapped in the nets, making it difficult to escape.
Will human actions upset the balance of the ocean?
The artificial satellite is slowly orbiting in space, and it monitors the situation of the ocean at any time. A large amount of man-made pollution makes the creatures in the sea have to find another way to survive, and the ocean is no longer the "face" of yesterday.
"Humanity is undoubtedly the greatest threat to the ocean."
"Every breath of air we breathe and every drop of water we drink depend on a healthy ocean, and its fate is now in our hands." Some people have realized that the ocean The importance of people entering the ocean again and again, coming to this weightless world, approaching it, observing it, and trying to "live in peace" with it.
The end of the film asks what is the ocean?
"Why don't we ask who we are?"
Who are we?
Humans evolved from apes, but apes evolved from undersea creatures. The ocean is the home for undersea creatures to survive. It nurtures life for the earth and is the pulse of the earth. Maybe humans don't know enough about the ocean, but the damage to it can be reduced.

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Oceans quotes

  • Narrator: Human indifference, without a doubt, is the ocean's greatest threat.

  • Narrator: Every breath we take, and every drop we drink, depends on a healthy ocean. Now, their life depends on us.