The plot is too bloody

Bernadette 2022-03-24 09:02:03

The drama "The Spirit and the Flesh of Frankenstein" seems to be good, but the clarity of the online resources is too poor, so I went to watch this movie first.
The picture quality of the movie is much better than the drama, and it is short, so I insisted on watching it.
But for the plot, I really can't complain. It sucks.
1. Is that female scientist such an idiot, she knows that she saved the assistant, but it is not the assistant's soul, and she will be possessed by the devil's technology to make thousands of dead people possessed, human beings will become extinct, and so on.
2. A decent female boss is too stupid, it feels completely useless. In the end, he came up with a bad idea and killed Adam when he got the book. Also named Adam, savior of the world. Is Adam that easy to kill? Look, it wasn't the guard who was killed in the end. The female boss is really a stupid, useless person.
The female boss didn't even look for where the demons were, how could they not be found with such a high gathering density! ! Adam can find it! Adam killed a decent guy, and the decent guys were all dispatched to take revenge, but they didn't bother to find where the devil was. The female boss is also too weak to be caught so easily.
3. The power of decency is too weak. The villains will at least take advantage of today's technology, but the decent will just guard the church and pray to God, protect me. wipe. Super useless. It is a matter of time before Adam's words are destroyed. Any valuable information will only be stored in the safe. The key to the safe was handed over to a stupid guard, who was later taken by Adam, and the key could be passed around as a weapon. In short, decent is too idiot.
4. The villain boss is still very smart and will use high technology. In the end, I don't understand why it was charged to 100%, but the demon still didn't enter the corpse. The villain boss died too quickly.
5. Where did Adam's soul come from. Self-consciousness reborn after resurrection?

In short, this plot is too idiotic!
When I want to write a drama, I always lament that my ability to conceive is too poor, but such a bad plot has been made into a commercial blockbuster. .

However, I think the picture is still okay. Nice modeling of churches and decent ones.

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Extended Reading

I, Frankenstein quotes

  • Leonore: When I met you, my first thought was to have you destroyed. But then I looked into your eyes. And you know what I saw there? Not a soul, but the potential for one.

  • Leonore: The Gargoyle Order was commanded into being by the Archangel Michael. It is our sacred duty to wage war against the demon horde, the 666 legions of hell-born creatures unleashed by Satan after his fall from heaven. Humans think of us as mere decoration. They do not know, nor can they conceive, the brutal unseen war being fought around them every day. A war that may one day determine the fate of all mankind.