Ashar is naughty again

Jettie 2022-03-26 09:01:09

After watching "The Past", Ashar was still as naughty as when he was filming "A Farewell", and the only piece of music in the whole film was played when the subtitles were raised. After reading it in one breath, when I heard the piano sound at the end, I was surprised that there was no soundtrack inserted in front of it. A picture immediately popped up in his mind - the stubborn little old man grinned wickedly and said, see! I don't use music to sensationalize, and still make you watch your heart skip a beat, men silent and women cry.

I have to angrily praise this Iranian director, the level of storytelling has been superb, so from the beginning to the end, the subject matter full of tangy life breath can also be made into a suspense film. The technique is very subtle, the emotional foreshadowing is subtle, without traces, just right, and several major conflicts are also very contagious. But to be honest, even though it was such an excellent work, sitting in front of the computer, I became a little more embarrassed when it was about to end.

It is not only because the emotions have been shrouded in a sense of isolation and gloomy characters from the beginning, and they are under constant high pressure; it is also because a lot of energy has been surging through paragraphs of suspense in my heart. The final big reversal that occurred was vented.

Such a natural and ingenious suspense, he did his best to arouse the emotions of the audience. I was waiting for the climax, but the director put a squib at the end, poof...

It's like someone told a story of Xiao Ming: Xiao Ming, He has been different from others since he was a child. When he was born, he actually had a stone in his mouth, and when he caught Zhou, he only grabbed some fat hairpins. Several personal maids are very handsome, and the gentle woman of the Shili family is also childhood sweethearts with him, so Xiao Ming Chengri had to mix with the daughters. What he said in his mouth was: "When I see my daughter, I feel refreshed, and when I see a man, I feel stinky and stinky." What I thought in my heart was: "If I have a good fortune at this time, I will die while you are all in front of me... ...this is my time to die." ... At this point, the storyteller stopped for a sip of tea. After hearing this, the idlers who were in a circle thought, this is not Ximen Qing's arrival in the daughter country, how amazing! I immediately bought melon seeds, moved to a small bench and chose the most comfortable position to sit in. Then the storyteller continued, who would have guessed that at a young age, he was wounded by an arrow due to anger, fell off the horse, was exhausted, and died of medical treatment.

There is no good way to tease people like this. Next time, if you want to do this again, you will be called up when you lift the bench.

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The Past quotes

  • Lucie: Do you know why she fell in love with that jerk? Because he looked like you.

  • Fouad: Why don't they separate her from medical instruments?

    Samir: Because they don't know if she wants to live with them or die.

    Fouad: She wants to die.

    Samir: Why do you say that?

    Fouad: She wants to die. That's why she committed suicide!