As a programmer: the mental retardation of the protagonist is unbearable

Lavonne 2022-03-24 09:02:01

If I were the idiot woman who saw signs of a cycle from the beginning, my instinct would be to break it, and the memory she had would ensure that she could easily make all parties aware of the situation, but she is Non-stop foolishness to perform this stupid tragedy according to the established script has led to more tragedies.

As a programmer, I can't stand the heroine's imprecise logic and the heroine's stupid strategy to deal with the crisis. If I am the heroine, then the god of death or God, the guy who arranged this farce will definitely be very dissatisfied with my performance, and wants to play the old lady? QNMLGB, I want to let all the neighbors see a hundred of me appearing at the same time, bringing a surprise to everyone's ordinary life. Ha ha

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Triangle quotes

  • Victor: [shocked to see Jess] How did you get here so fast?

    Jess: [frantic] Victor you gotta listen to me. We don't have much time.

    Victor: Whoa whoa what's going on? Where's Greg?

    Jess: He's dead.

    Victor: What?

    Jess: No no I mean he was dead

    Victor: What are you saying?

    Jess: Downstairs right now is a copy of myself. Me! Walking and talking with Greg.

  • Victor: [pointing at a picture of the ship] Check it out. This is the same ship. This thing's old.

    Downey: Yeah, 1932. It is the same. Here's where we boarded.

    Victor: [reads name of the ship] Aeolus.

    Downey: Aeolus. Aeolus was the Greek god of the winds and the father of Sisyphus, the man condemned by the gods to the task of pushing a rock up a mountain only to have it roll back down again.

    Victor: That's a shitty punishment. What did he do?

    Sally: He cheated Death. No, he made a promise to Death that he didn't keep.