We are all like this, destroying love.

Santino 2022-03-24 09:02:37

"The beauty of the beauty is its sadness", everything I've seen about Turkey, always brings me back to this sentence; Winter sleep "Winter Awakening" is no exception. When I went to see it at the same venue, my friend who was a photographer said that he watched the trailer ten times. However, the dazzling cold and strange realm of central Turkey was cut into the trailer almost without missing a beat. After changing director Shelan's words of love, about three hours out of the three hours and fifteen minutes of the whole film are lengthy conversations between people on the inside. So, this year's Palme d'Or, are those boring art films again?

What I want to say is that even if the honesty and introspection that we bring as audiences are not as honest as Shelan who has been betraying ourselves all the time, it is really impossible. Avoid the moral arrows that are pervasive and heavy as a hammer.

The beauty of "Winter Awakening" is that Shelan (and his co-screenwriter's wife) created an unquestionable time, character and place, allowing the intellectual debate that should have been rejected for thousands of miles to be performed in a surging performance and perfect scheduling Let's go straight to your heart -

looking at those ugly faces that are old and angry, all kinds of vicious words rhetoric with morality and righteousness, we are all like this, destroying love.

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Winter Sleep quotes

  • Necla: Philanthropy isn't tossing a bone to a hungry dog, it's sharing when you are just as hungry.

  • Aydin: Justice doesn't even exist in nature, why should it exist here?