What kind of perspective to watch the movie from

Omari 2022-10-20 10:33:41

Whenever I see someone say that the US imperialists are shooting Chinese historical films from Western eyes again, I laugh.
1. A film and television drama is a work, which is an artistic expression form as a carrier to show the theme, and it is impossible to have a complete historical reproduction.
2. This time, the U.S. imperialists have chosen the right dynasty. First of all, in terms of ethnicity, Yuan and Qing are the history of China’s dynastic era, humiliation, and national subjugation. Don’t take abruptly to say that foreign aggression is integrated into our history. Why did the Qing Dynasty so willing to cede land and pay indemnity in modern times, because this is not their hometown or their ancestral land, it was invaded, and it is not uncommon. Yuan was just a back garden set up by the Mongolian Empire in the Central Plains of East Asia. Their hometown was in Siberia, and they all went to Europe to play later. The common point of the Yuan and Qing Dynasties is to learn the Han system to control the Han. It is exactly that among all the dynasties, only the Yuan and Qing attempts to change the makeup of the people in the Central Plains. Those who included Yuanqing in their own history really do not understand whether they still have the ability to distinguish right from wrong, and what the textbook says is right. hehe. The U.S. emperor chose the Yuan Dynasty, but how much do we know about the Yuan Dynasty other than the Southern Song Dynasty and the cultural background at that time in addition to the journey and the Han system? The US emperor can play to the fullest. Don't be blind BB anymore.
3. Personally, I don't like this kind of Chinese-English movie, although I can't escape watching it from the perspective of history and reality. But it always felt different. Use whatever language you need to use.
4. It is not expected to exceed the influence of Game of Thrones. After all, it is related to some historical issues, not the history of American imperialism. It is difficult to grasp without roots.

It just came out, so no comment.

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