It's philosophy

Joanie 2022-03-25 09:01:18

In their last philosophy class before graduation, 20 students are forced to participate in a thought experiment. They jumped from the shift room to the scene of the nuclear radiation catastrophe. If they failed to fight for a seat in the air-raid shelter, their organs would be instantly penetrated by the radiation dust, causing them to die in pain. However, the oxygen and food in the shelter were only enough for 10 people to survive for a year. Philosophy students are drawn to determine status and skills. In order to continue the lifeline of human beings, they need to use philosophical logic, open consultation and raise their hands to vote, and choose the 10 most valuable people to live in the bomb shelter. Are smart people more qualified to stay than good people? Are engineers more valuable than poets? One vote lasts one life, who should sacrifice to achieve society

After watching this movie, I think it is worth recommending to friends. The following are purely personal arguments. Anyway, don't spray!

The whole play actually revolves around the focus of ------ choice! The choice of all 1. The choice of
ten survivors ' occupation The 3 trials we did actually show that to get the right choice, you must try many times (of course, there is no such chance in the cruel reality). This is a matter of probability, and infinite attempts will always be correct once (in fact, it is just the majority of People agree, there is no complete correctness) and it also implicitly proves that it is the most effective way to try to hit the correct probability ! -Trolley inference (choice) The same inference will also be expounded in the next film. Choice must have sacrifices, then who will be sacrificed? Whether it is the fat man ( poet ) or those five people (other professions), no one should be chosen, all sacrifices should be based on voluntary (of course it is undeniable that people are selfish and no one is willing to sacrifice) 6 on the rails The individual was tied up, and the fat man didn't take the initiative to hit the car

The train, the switchman (who actually implied the role of the teacher) was in control. But he was always an executioner (later
films revealed why he cheated)

- Ignorance is a blessing paradox (trust)
Obviously this paradox is reflected in the third thought experiment, everyone fully trusts the heroine's choice without questioning support , a self-
sacrificing choice. Out of the coercion (teacher, mysterious person), 20 people have sublimated their thinking patterns!

The above 3 items are similar to the reclamation---construction---belief

details in the construction game. For the
first time
, a nuclear explosion environment was assumed. Because of the number of people in the shelter, half of the people must be discarded.
At this time, everyone used it first. Its narrow and primitive way of dealing with
choosing the professions that are most needed, all kinds of arguments are just to survive
but there is also a mysterious man (teacher) who is actually playing the role of a regime.
In this primitive way, the importance of regime is only given by The heroine questioned
but the gun (right) made her compromise! Let everyone compromise!
The shooting before entering the sanctuary (a foolish approach) embodies the raw atrocities and single-mindedness of the original regime that
eventually led to the overthrow of the regime (separated from the sanctuary) Thinking
it was over? Abandon the mysterious people, they are missing an important thing "password" (leadership)
This thought experiment ended in failure!

It 's the second
time. This time, each profession has additional attributes, which are good or bad. It
seems that there is no problem with the choice of professions (seems to solve the problem of food and clothing), and
start matching to choose who has sex with whom and has feelings for? Pure fertility? (Each role sets class status)
but it is not pregnant (incomplete regulations)
that start to increase the frequency and mix (reform) but is opposed (the left and right are born)
Bloody melee The teacher was injured (contradictions in the reform, someone must be hurt) Obviously, the injury of the mysterious man (teacher) shows that the regime
has been shaken again . Before the experiment began, an interesting story was interspersed with Plato's cave allegory. A child saw only shadows and echoes before breaking free from the shackles. After breaking free from the shackles, he realized the new world , which implied the teacher's arrogance, narrow-mindedness, and did not accept new ideas. idea. The third time is good. The last experiment begins. This time, I chose some professions that are not understood by people, and it is an independent choice after trust. The purpose is not to survive, but to live. The mysterious man who was exiled reappeared, and his revenge was shocked by silence. . Summarize the next 3 experiments The first time: feudal autocracy The second time: capitalism The third time: communism These are not the most important point: the most important point is how to choose to be recognized. The choice should be: put aside the possibility of predicting the repetition of subjective thinking The smallest exchange of sacrifices seems like I forgot to mention that protagonist-heroine romance. . . This is just a gimmick in my opinion. For the sake of the box office, it is a sweeter way of summarizing the concept of the whole show! In fact, I have a lot of darker details of ideas that have not been published. . . . . . . PS: The Sally heroine is like you. . . Why is this!

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After the Dark quotes

  • Petra: We live... briefly, yes. Imperfectly? Of course. Stupidly? Sometimes. But we don't mind, because that's the way we're made. And when it's time to die, we don't resist death; we summon it.

  • Mr. Zimit: Do you know what apocalypse actually means?

    Petra: Tell me.

    Mr. Zimit: It's from the Greek "apokálypsis", meaning to uncover what you couldn't see before... a way out of the dark.

    Petra: Your sweet talk still needs work.